Chapter 53

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“Harry, calm down.” I ushered, scooting myself up the bed without putting too much pressure on my cut.

“He did this to you!” He screamed. “Didn’t he!” I remained silent, my eyes focused on the bottom of the bed. Harry stood next to me, his hands gripping the railing on the side of the bed. His whole body was lowered slightly, placing an inordinate amount of attention on me. I noticed Olivia had left, closed the door and walked away, although I sensed there would be a conversation stirring outside.

“Yes,” I admitted. “But I don’t expect he’ll be back, so can we leave it?” I pleaded, looking him in the eye. I noticed Harry’s breathing become more rapid, and his hands ball into even tighter fists.

“Leave it? Leave it? You expect me to let him walk around out there? You expect me to not kill him!”

“No! I expect you to fucking listen to me for once!” I screamed back before he had an opportunity to get angrier. Harry was silenced. He stood with the same impermeable look of anger on his face. But he was silent, that’s all I needed.

“Caleb is a parasite, I know, okay. If I let you go after him, you’re going to kill him, then you will go to prison for the rest of your life. You have no idea what that would do to me. To lose you…it’s not worth thinking about. It’s a fate worse than death. I won’t let it happen Harry.” He paused. His face softening slightly, the realisation flooding to his features, although I noticed his reluctance to back down, I still saw the overwhelming desire to end this.

“He’s roaming free out there Violet. He’s going to come back sometime!” He alerted.

“You think I don’t know that? You think that’s not been the only thing on my mind for the past two days?” I retorted.

“Then let me end this. Let me set you free.” He pleaded, kneeling down and leaning in closer, his nose grazing over mine. His hands gripped my shoulders, and I felt his breath on me, it came out in short hot sputters. His face wasn’t the usual angelic image I was used to. It was weary, worn from emotional damage, he looked so…human.

“I can’t-“ I peeped.

“Why Violet? Why?” I closed my eyes and shook my head, a tear forming, and the pressure of my situation getting to me. The scar on the side of my body began to burn, and the cut felt as fresh as it did when it was first made. “You don’t seem to realise what I’m here for. I fell in love with you on October 6th, and since you told me about that…monster, there has been nothing on my mind other than the urge to destroy him, to end your suffering. Please Violet, give me this chance!” I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping Harry wasn’t really here, hoping this was all a dream, that I was asleep. That this pressure wasn’t pushing down on me.

“No.” I finally said, letting all the breath out of my lungs, slouching back gently onto the cushioned surface of the bed. The cut hurt, but it was tolerable, and I lay my head back, not caring about Harry’s argument. I turned around, placing my palms under my head, and I closed my eyes. Harry put up pointless arguments behind me, rambling to me about how I was being naïve…if only he knew…if only he knew what I was feeling right now, if only he knew the information I was concealing from him. After minutes of his rants, he quietened, obviously confused by my non-moving state. I kept my eyes squeezed shut, and my head pressed into the pillow. After a few minutes of silence, I felt a warm hand press against my arm, and I opened my eyes. Harry was sitting in front of me, his face sorrowful and guilty.

“I-“ He started, but I cut him off.

“There are things you don’t know Harry. When the time comes, I’ll tell you. But for now, you need to trust me. You need to let me save you for once.” He breathed in heavily, and exhaled soon after, placing both his hands in mine. I grabbed them and gently brushed them over my cheek.

“I love you Violet.” He said while my eyes were closed.

“I love you too.”


“Mr Styles…you’re going to have to leave now.” A familiar voice piped up from the door. I whipped my head up and saw Olivia, dressed in her blue dress. Only now did I realise I’d fallen asleep, and Harry was watching me the whole time. Harry looked slightly distressed beside me; I assume he had seen this coming. He closed his eyes momentarily and looked around the room, patting his hand on his jeans and standing up. He nodded at Olivia, telling her he’d be out in a minute. She closed the door and walked away.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” I said, propping myself up on my elbow and rubbing my eyes. He sat down again and took my hand.

“Don’t apologise.” He spat abruptly, tracing his fingers in the valley of my knuckles and observing my smile as he did so. “You’re a beautiful sleeper.” He announced, I blushed and covered my face, holding back my laughter.

“Yeah, I get that a lot.” I joked. He smiled the broadest I’d seem him smile in a long time.

“I bet you do.” He said, lowering his eyes back to my hand.

“You have to go, don’t you?” I questioned. He huffed slightly, and nodded, shaking his head and letting his curls fall over his forehead. I leaned forward, wrapping my arm around his neck, and pulling him in for a kiss. His lips worked against mine much more forcefully than ever before, with more force than our first encounter, more than any other time we’d met. The kiss scared me slightly, it gave away his fear, fear that I didn’t know he possessed, a fear of what, I didn’t yet know. He pulled away, bottom lip trembling as he came back into my view, his eyebrows were creased but not in anger, there was a sad emotion on him, more than a sadness. It was a genuine fear.

“See you tomorrow Violet.”

“See you tomorrow, Harry.”

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