Chapter 35

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“3, 2, 1, go.” I counted us in to our song.

“I, I will be king, and you, you will be queen. And nothing, will tear us away, we can beat them, just for one day…” We sang in harmony, our voices coinciding with each other as the different pitches interlocked perfectly.

“That one was pretty good.” I said, surprised at my voice. I’d never been much of a singer, Harry on the other hand was a natural, his voice was throaty and raspy, manly yet gentle.

“You were perfect.” He complimented, I knew I wasn’t but he was always one to flatter me. I smiled in response. Harry and I absentmindedly sat in the large expanse of the field picking at the dewy grass below us. Above, the moon was just beginning to shine, coating the layout in a thick white haze. I looked over Harry’s shoulder towards the large wood I had spotted on the way in, it was huge, it’s entirety stretching way beyond my line of sight.

“Can we go into the woods?” I asked eagerly, standing up from my spot. Harry thought for a minute, looking into the woods.

“Of course, just don’t get scared.” He teased with a cheeky wink. I stuck my tongue out at him while he stood up. He lovingly wrapped his hand around mine and pulled me forward, he seemed even more eager to go in than me. He looked at me carefully, scouring my face for any signs of panic.

“Before we go in, I should probably warn you…the woods are haunted.” He said jokingly. Before I had any time to retaliate, he pulled me into the line of trees, and as soon as we were under the canopy, any signs of light were blocked out. The only way we could tell our way was from the minor slips of lunar haze floating between the gaps of the trees.

“You okay?” He asked as we took our first few steps over the roots that were winding in and out of the ground. I couldn’t see Harry’s face, due to the complete lack of light.

“I’m fine.” I said, my voice was a little frail. I’d always loved being outdoors, but I’d also never been comfortable in these situations. I over think things, this minor situation was hell for me, but the thrill of it kept me going. As I walked, twigs and branches snapped under my shoes, the reflection of the moonshine bounced off of the trees to guide me, as did Harry’s hand which was still firmly attached to mine. The flat terrain eventually turned steeper, turning up into the hill that Harry and I had overcome in the Range Rover a couple of hours before. We climbed up it, keeping our steady pace, our only guidance being the small amount of light pollution visible over the brink of the hill. Harry’s hand slipped from mine and I heard his footsteps get quicker.

“Harry!” I whispered harshly, fumbling in the empty air for Harry’s touch, he was nowhere, although the sound of his feet trampling the crisp autumn leaves gave away his position just a few paces in front of me. I continued to walk on my own, this time without the comfort of Harry to direct me.

“Wow.” I heard Harry’s voice. I whipped my head up and saw the silhouette of Harry standing atop the hill, his body outlined by the glimmering lights of London below us. I skulked behind him, making my way up to his side. As I reached him, I saw what he saw. The city of London, alive. His hand wrapped around my waist, and my head dropped to his shoulder as we looked down onto the city. The lit up bridge, the orange tinge on the Houses of Parliament, the bright glowing rotation of the London Eye, and the buzzing streets of which we were so accustomed to.

“It’s beautiful.” I said, as my eyes became more used to the bright city lights. Harry sniggered beside me as he continued to look down on the sight.

“What?” I asked him as his chest continued to stammer in short giggles.

“It’s nothing compared to you.” He claimed. My cheeks blushed and my smile deepened. His arm became tighter around my waist as he pulled me into him, his chest now against my own. He picked up a strand of my hair that hung beside my face and placed it behind my ear, never taking his eyes of mine.

“I love the way your hair falls down your shoulders, I love the way you get crinkles by your eyes when you smile, I love the way you bite your lip when you’re embarrassed…I love the way you make me feel. I love the way you make me feel so utterly empowered, but at the same time…so weak and vulnerable. The way you make me feel nothing but an undying urge to protect and love you. I love the way you’ve changed me.” He uttered, a small tear forming in his eyes, our bodies now impossibly close, both our breaths fanning across each other’s faces. We were here, both of us, nobody else, with no emotion other than pure, unrequited love.

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