Chapter 17

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“Harry…ow…that hurts.” I moaned as Harry rubbed the healing ointment on my face. He had a small smile on his face as he dabbed his finger on the top of the little tube. I however, was not as amused. I continued to squint and wince every time he placed his finger on the delicate and bruised flesh.

“How come, it’s always you getting into these situations?” He asked, still focusing on the gentle motion of his finger. His tongue was sticking out the side of his mouth as he desperately tried to concentrate. I shook my head slightly at his statement. It was only since he’d come into my life that things had been getting dangerous, although I didn’t blame him for last night, not in the slightest. I shrugged my shoulders in response to his question.

I shuddered in remembrance to the events of the night before, the crippling pain pulsating through my core and the taste of my own blood dripping down my face. Harry had claimed that my face had healed slightly, I however wasn’t so sure.

“Thank you Harry.” I said, it wasn’t just for what he was doing now, but also for the strength he made me feel inside.

“Don’t ever say that Violet. Never.” His eyes were still focused on the cuts above my eyebrow, although his perfect face had hardened into a glare.

“Why?” I asked.

Harry’s hand dropped from my face, as did his gaze. He looked at me and parted his lips to speak.

“Because you say it as though I do it like it’s a task. It’s the opposite. Being around you, comforting you, even just looking at you…it’s a privilege.” He spoke. His words were sincere, I knew that much. Although I didn’t understand the reasoning behind them, the authentication behind his words had no explanation. He had no reason to be so completely attached to me.

I felt something strange happening to me. I felt my lip start to tremble, with words eager to roll off my tongue. I felt my heart begin to dance and I became light-headed. I knew what Harry was about to say. I knew.

“I’m in love with you Violet.” The words fell from his mouth in a husky monotone. His eyes fell to the floor, not being able to maintain my hazy glare. I was frozen on the spot, with nothing but Harry’s words to ponder. I was unable to speak, knowing that whatever I said would determine mine and Harry’s relationship. Just a week ago, I had no idea who Harry was, no idea how much he was about to impact my life.

“H-Harry…” I gasped, not being able to form an intelligible sentence with the obscene amount of beats per minute my heart was enduring. He looked at me hopeful, but I could do nothing but stare back at him. I didn’t feel the same, I wasn’t in love with him, was I?

My breath escaped me in uneven and heavy puffs. Harry’s words had put me under unbearable pressure.

“Harry, y-you need to l-leave. Just for a while…I-I need to think…” I trembled, my eyes on the floor, not being able to look up and embrace the inevitable pain and torment in Harry’s eyes. I jumped off of the table I was perched on and placed my hand on Harry’s back, guiding him to the door. He resisted, longing for me to let him stay, but I continued to push, still not looking at him, in fear that I might breakdown at the sight of him.

“Harry, go.” I mumbled in a hushed whisper. There were tears in my eyes, knowing that what I had done was unthinkably cruel. Harry had offered me his heart, which I assume he had never done to anybody before me, and I had stamped on it. Crushed it and broken him. It was at that exact moment I remembered Harry’s words: “The day I leave is the day you order me away” Harry looked at me, he’d remembered his words also, and the angered expression that I’d become accustomed to was replaced with one of unimaginable hurt. He turned his back and walked away. In that moment, there was nothing I wouldn’t have done to console his tears. But I couldn’t because I was the reason they were there anyway. I didn’t love Harry, but the need for him…was still there.

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