Chapter 46*

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Our heavy breathing fanned over each other’s skins, Harry’s fingers played with the waistband of my jeans, tugging at them slightly, eager to get inside them. I smiled into our kisses, my hands panning over Harry’s broad chest. Without any warning, he locked his hands around my waist and pulled me up, my legs wrapped around his torso for support, and my hands clamped on his cheeks, my lips still pressed against his. Harry let out long throaty groans as our kissing continued, getting more and more intense with every second that passed. His hands hovered around my bum; they were the only things preventing me from falling to the floor. His fingers dug into me slightly, gently massaging my bum as my own tangled with his curly brown locks. I pulled away, my lip curling over my teeth as I continued to let out shallow and fast-paced breaths. He smiled up at me, but not in the usual boyish way I was accustomed to, it was a more lustful glare, one that made the fire in the pit of my stomach begin to swirl, it made my legs quiver for him.

Harry spun around abruptly, my back now facing his bed; he placed one last long kiss on my lips before gently lowering me down onto the feathery mattress below. As my back came into contact with the cushiony surface, Harry crawled above me, his face hovering above my own. His knees pressed into the mattress either side of my thighs.

“Harry.” I moaned as I rolled my head back, the thrill of the situation completely taking over my body. My fingertips tingled in anticipation, and I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping to now wake myself from this dream, this utter paradise I was in.

“I’m here baby.” Harry’s voice called me down from my high; it tore me from any doubts that this wasn’t complete reality, that I wasn’t the luckiest girl in the world. I opened my eyes, peering up at the panting figure above me. I locked my hands on the back of Harry’s neck, pulling him down to re-initiate the contact that our lips had lost, I raised my head to meet him sooner, our puffy lips colliding at great force. I wanted more, the touch of our exposed flesh; the feel of his lips wasn’t enough. I needed to feel him, really feel him. I removed my hands from him, although not my lips, they still remained firmly fixated on his. My hands made their way down to the button of his jeans, and I blindly fumbled with the piece of metal before I untoggled it. I’m sure my inexperience at undressing people was quickly becoming apparent.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked, pulling away momentarily from our hot kisses. Harry didn’t pull away to look at me, instead he dipped his head to my neck, nuzzling, licking and biting the skin.

“Let me deal with that.” He puffed, continuing to work on my neck. I smiled at his statement, moving my hands onto his back; digging in my nails slightly to try and alleviate some of the immense pleasure I was feeling within me. Suddenly, Harry pulled up, now balancing his entire weight on his knees, he looked down at me, the exposed girl who he had known for less than a month, but who was so ready to give herself up to him. He smiled, knowing that he had me in any way he saw fit.

*****HARRY’S POV*****

I couldn’t help but stare at her. She was magnificent, the epitome of beauty, she lay in her most vulnerable form beneath me, her clothes scattered about the room.

“Are you nervous?” I asked quizzically, my breathing fast and shallow. She pondered my question for a few seconds, looking up at me. Her eyes held an emotion that was familiar to me now, it was fear. She’d always displayed this around me, every single time I’d seen her. It got dampened down as we became closer, and eventually confessed our love for each other, but it was still there, and I feared it always would be.

“N-no.” She stammered, blinking twice. It was clearly a lie. Why she felt the need to lie about it confused me. I shook my head in derision, looking down on her, feeling guilt as I peered at her almost naked body.

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