Chapter 55

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“Thank you so much!” I beamed, pulling Olivia into one final hug. I heard a small sniffle come from her as her chin rested on my shoulder, she was still mindful of my cut, but her hug was tight and warm. Harry and my father stood behind her, waiting to take me home.

“You have my number.” She assured, I nodded, pulling out of her hug and looking her in the eye. I smiled and assured her I’d be fine, so she smiled back, reluctantly releasing one of my hands. I drifted over to my father, giving him a quick hug, and then the same to Harry. Hospital protocol deemed I leave in a wheelchair, much to Harry’s amusement. He sat me down, and raced me forward, leaving my dad behind carrying my coat.


I saw Harry’s smile as he gently lowered Vi into the chair. I wasn’t completely comfortable with him being here at all. One question had been plaguing my conscious for the past week: what actually happened to Violet? I mean, you don’t just get stabbed at random do you? I know, London is a violent place, but Violet wasn’t robbed, nor abused in any other way. At least…that’s what she told me. But surely, she seemed happy enough, she wasn’t dazed or grief stricken. In fact she seemed completely focused, on one thing in particular, what it was, I don’t know. I had no idea at all what she had been so utterly devoted to this last week. The sheer determination in her eyes had to be coming from somewhere, and I assumed it wasn’t something she was willing to share with me. No. Her and Harry were perfectly caught up in their own world. I just prayed that they were right, that their little paradise wouldn’t one day come crashing down.

*****VIOLET’S POV*****

“Harry!” I screamed, although tried to maintain a certain discrete monotone. I heard his chesty chuckles and occasional high-pitched cackles from behind me.

“We’re in a hospital you fool!” I yelled, he completely ignored me, wheeling me around the sharp corners as fast as he could. I dug my nails into the sturdy rubber coating the arm rests on the wheelchair, eager to stay in one piece while Harry carried out his boyish antics. We finally came to the glass double doors, and Harry slowed me down, until we stopped.

“You’re an idiot.” I claimed as he sauntered around to crouch in front of me. I didn’t like this, I didn’t want to be sat in a wheel chair… I stood up, pushing Harry backwards to allow me space.

“Aw, I was quite enjoying that.” He said, throwing me his childish smile. I tutted and narrowed my eyes, brushing off his stupidity. I turned my face away, smiling a little; Harry placed his palm on my cheek and quickly pulled me into a kiss. He pulled away just as quickly as he had started, and the same smirk sprung to his features.


“Oh, can you just wait a minute, I need to talk to my dad.” I asked Harry as we both skipped down my stairs.

“Of course.” He said with a kind smile, placing a delicate kiss on my cheek, turning around and heading out my door, into his Range Rover. I smiled back, waiting for Harry to be out of earshot before I entered the living room and saw my dad, sitting on the black sofa.

“Are you alright?” I asked. He raised his head up from his hands, looking at me with a small amount of contempt. He stood up, slowly walking over to me.

“Do you really think you should go to Harry’s?” He asked, holding out his hands. I furrowed my eyebrows, scanning over the floor with my eyes.

“Yes, why wouldn’t I?” I retorted. He seemed a little lost for words, moving his lips to speak, but no utterances fell from them, it was as if it was completely improvised and sudden.

“I-I…maybe he’s not good for you.” He said. My jaw dropped, although I knew he didn’t have full comprehension of this scenario. He knew very little about Caleb, I’d never delved into much detail with him, I assume he knew not of Gemma’s death or Caleb’s participation, but still he had no right to assume this. I closed my mouth, and my eyes, stepping forward and taking my dad’s outstretched hands.

“I know what you mean when you say that, but you couldn’t be more wrong.” I proclaimed, I was a little pissed off in all honesty, I dropped his hands and walked out, not wanting to hear another word about it.

“Violet!” He shouted, but I closed the door behind me. I knew he wouldn’t follow me; he didn’t have the guts nor the warranty. He would stay in the house, thinking about it, thinking some more, until finally he’d come to a point where he realised I was right. That’s how we progressed in our relationship. It’s how it always was, and will be.

I moved to the Range Rover quickly, hoping to avoid confrontation. I opened my passenger door, seeing Harry’s smile through the tinted window, I slid in and buckled up, pulling my door shut.

“Are you alright sweetheart?” He asked as I took a deep inhale and let my hands drop to the padded leather seat.

“I’m fine.” I assured, offering a kind smile.

“Does your cut hurt?” He asked.

“No more than usual.” I laughed. He smiled a little, but there was genuine concern set on his perfect features. I took his hand, squeezing tight to reassure him.

He turned the key in the ignition, bringing the engine’s roar to life. I lay my head on the rest, closing my eyes and letting my mind wander. I hadn’t slept well the past week, I was looking forward to an actual bed with real duvets and soft pillows. And of course the support of Harry’s solid chest behind me as I slept.

We drove off somewhere, I don’t know which road we took, my eyes were closed, but we drove and drove for what seemed like forever. There was still the fear that plagued my mind, through the freedom I felt by Harry’s side, I’d never felt more restricted. It felt like Caleb was watching every single step I took.

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