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today is the first day of 12th grade.  i would say im not excited, but i totally am. the reason for that is that throughout highschool, i have always been the extremely attractive guy that everybody either wants to pound into, or wants to be pounded into by.

the only thing about that is, I'm gay as fuck. females are not gonna get fucked by me anytime soon. this is my last year. gotta make it count.

"josh! hurry you only have 30 minutes to get ready, school starts at 8:00!" my mom called from downstairs. i guess my brother and sisters are asleep. I jump up and shower, brush my teeth, get dressed as ready for breakfast in 15 minutes.

i hurry down the stairs and hear my dad chuckle. "huh. that was quick." he smiled in disbelief. I smile at him and grab a granola bar and a caprisun. I had time for a long breakfast, but I was too excited. I said bye to my parents and drove to school. by the time I got there it was 7:50; perfect.

I was staring at the school when I heard a few muffled voices behind me. I slowly turned and brendon, patrick, ashley, melanie, hayley, and troye were smiling at me. "OH MY GOD! GUYS I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I almost cried. everyone was in a group hug laughing and joking. Brendon looked at me. "dude, you look fine as fuck. loving the hair." I just laughed at brendon. no, we weren't a thing. he was my best friend and anyways, sometimes I see him looking at patrick with a shimmer in his eye. 

while everyone was talking about their summer, ashley was looking at melanie, biting her lips. mel just looked ahead not noticing it. damn.

"sorry to ruin the moment, but the bell just rung, we gotta get goin" troye said. I let everyone walk ahead and grabbed ashley by the wrist, holding her back. she looked at me confused.

"what?" "I think you got a little problem down there ash" ashley knew the warm feeling down below and started to act nervous. "I saw you looking at mel and biting your lip. honey, fix that problem. be careful, you may get a little leakage." I winked at her and walked away. she looked down blushing as she said "fuck."under her breath. "HEY JOSH FUCK YOU!"
he just laughed and they all went to their first class.

lucky for josh, his first class, technology, was with Mel and ash. i headed inside with the two. we took seats far in the back as we were the first ones there. once the whole class was there, the teacher started. she was gorgeous. "hello class. I am Mrs. Durin. I will be your tech teacher. yes, I am very young for a teacher, I know. I'm 21." Ash lifted her head at this, smirking. ha. ash probably wants to get in her pants, I thought. "today, we will be relaxing. no work. today only. do whatever you want. work starts tomorrow." 

I immediately turned to Mel and ash. but when I turned, I saw Melanie struggling and biting her lip, drawing a bit of blood. she was holding the sides of her chair so hard her fingers were white. her cheeks were red and she kept looking down at her crotch. josh followed her eyes to find, of course, Ashley's hand moving quickly in her pants under the table .

i laughed and ash looked me dead in the eye while she still touched Mel. ash pulled out her phone and texted me.
halsey: I did something about my little problem;)

josh just laughed. after 4 more classes with troye, brendon, Melanie, Hayley, and patrick,I headed for lunch. I walked inside to find all my friends at the same table, laughing and telling jokes and stories. Melanie and Ashley were silent though. they just kept looking at each other. Hayley noticed this. " um..what's up with you two? you've been smiling at each other for centuries." Hayley smirked.

before either of them could say anything, I jumped in. "oh nothing. just that this morning ash got turned on by Mel and got aroused as frick. Then we were in tech and I look over to see ash fingering Mel under the table while Mel was moaning. that's it. not much, eh?" the whole table screamed as Melanie and Ashley looked at me with terrifying murder faces.

then unexpectedly, Mel grabbed Ashley's jaw and collided their lips together. they both blushed immensely. "your welcome." I grinned.
after lunch I headed to art. I was a little upset cause none of my friends were in there. the thing was, the bell rung and I was already late. I ran to the door and opened it. "joshua dun? your late. that's's the first day. um, just sit next to Tyler." mr. Wilson smiled. I knew that was his name because he wrote it on the board.

when I turned to where the boy sat, I stopped. I looked at Tyler. he was beautiful. he had short brown hair in the form of a small quiff and deep brown eyes. he was small and thin. but fuck, he was a sight. and me, being the dirty boy I was, immediately moaned. nobody heard but tyler as his face went red. I coughed and slowly walked to my seat, smiling awkwardly.

I sat down and looked at him. wow.
"hi, I'm josh. sorry bout the moan it's just m-my stomach hurt-hurts. yea. that." I put out a hand for him to shake. "hey josh, I-I'm tyler. nice to meet you?" he shook my hand and I noticed his small hands and how they would look wrapped around my-fuck. stop josh. you barely know the guy.

"your stomach doesn't hurt, does it." Tyler looked up at me innocently. I could fuck him right here. "wh-what? Yea it do-does....why?" I shifted nervously, feeling my pants get tighter and my crotch getting warmer just with Tyler's voice. "because your facing me, this desk is small, our legs are together, and your hard, long, erect dick is against my thigh."Tyler said innocently.

my eyes got wide and I almost screamed "can I please go to the restroom? it's an emergency?" mr. Wilson nodded and I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, running in a stall and pulling down my pants and underwear. there it was. I gotta fix this. I started pumping my erect penis, thinking of Tyler. I went faster and faster "ohh!! fuck!!" I then heard the bathroom door open.

"josh? are you ok? the teacher told me to check on you." Tyler's voice was so soft. "I'm fine, yea it's just, my s-stomach." my voice was wobbly. " are you sure? you sound kinda sick. why did you ask to leave?" his voice came closer to my stall. "yes! I mean, I'm great." I whimpered, trying to relax my voice. "you didn't answer my last question. why did you run in here?" Tyler's voice got lower and more angry, which just turned me on even more.

"fuck me." I said out of frustration. I thought I said it quietly, but Tyler heard. "I'm gonna go. I g-gotta fix a little problem I have. tell the teacher I went to the bathroom. bye." Tyler left. I was sitting there. what problem?

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