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I arrived at my art class while mr. Wilson talked about irrelevant things. come on! this dude is so boring. i thought.

just when I almost fell asleep, a guy with pink hair, a nose ring, tattoo, and gauges busted in.he was kinda hot. Tyler, your straight. chill. "joshua dun? your late. that's's the first day. um, just sit next to Tyler." mr. Wilson said, pointing at me.

I looked at josh and he stared at me for a second. then out of nowhere he tilted his head back and moaned. he then realized what he did and widened his eyes. I was red. fuck me that was hot. I
thought. idiot! your straighter then a ruler dude! relax.

My face went red. josh coughed and slowly walked to my seat, smiling awkwardly. He sat down and looked at me. jeez, look at him.

"hi, I'm josh. sorry bout the moan it's just m-my stomach hurt-hurts. yea. that." bullshit. he put out a hand for me to shake. "hey josh, I-I'm tyler. nice to meet you?" I shook his hand and I noticed his big hands compared to mine.

he looked at our hands as if he was thinking, and bit his lip. I then felt his dick slowly rising against my thigh. my breath hitched.
"your stomach doesn't hurt, does it." I said, looking at him innocently. "wh-what? Yea it do-does....why?" He shifted nervously and I could see and feel his dick pushing more and more against my thigh.

"because your facing me, this desk is small, our legs are together, and your hard, long, erect dick is against my thigh." I said shyly. his eyes widened and he screamed "can I please go to the restroom? it's an emergency?" mr. Wilson nodded and he jumped up and ran to the bathroom. is he ok? I was worried. I guess mr. Wilson noticed because he sent me to check on josh.

I took my time walking to the bathroom. I then heard someone struggling. I opened the bathroom door. "josh? are you ok? the teacher told me to check on you." I spoke soft. "I'm fine, yea it's just, my s-stomach." his voice was wobbly. was he crying? "are you sure? you sound kinda sick. why did you ask to leave?" I spoke, coming closer to his stall.

"yes! I mean, I'm great." He whimpered. "you didn't answer my last question. why did you run in here?" I lowered my voice. I was worried, suspicious, and a little mad. I heard his voice hitch. "fuck me." josh said quietly, but I heard. what he said had turned me on. but I'm straight? what? I then felt my hips buckle as I got a boner. I needed to do something about it.

"I'm gonna go. I g-gotta fix a little problem I have. tell the teacher I went to the bathroom. bye." I said as I left. i ran to the bathroom on the other side of the school that nobody goes to and ran into a stall. my dick looked huge and was going upwards by the second. but I'm not gay. right?

I ignored my thoughts as I pulled my pants and boxers down to reveal my member. I slowly rubbed up and down, remembering josh saying "fuck me" in a deep and sexual voice. my running went faster till I came. I'm so fucked.

i pulled up my pants and walked out to the class to find josh their too. his face was red and his hair was messy. he looked fine as hell. and that fucks me up.
I wave awkwardly. "what was that little problem you had blushyboy?" josh was walking closer by the second with a smirk plastered on his face. "I u-uh... nothing!" I whimpered. before Josh could say anything, the door opened and mr. Wilson sternly said "get in. now." we ran inside and sat, not looking at eachother the rest of the class. this is gonna be a long year.

blushyboy•joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now