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shout out to idlehnds for helping me with this chap💖

I ignored Tyler's text because i just wanted to avoid him. I didn't want him to be upset with me after fighting James. it would be better to ignore him. right?

I left lunch and my friends, walking out with furry. this guy was gonna get it. I already knew that he didn't go to lunch. he went to the stairs to eat alone because he didn't even like his friends to be with him. I got to the stairs and there he was, eating a sandwich like an animal. when he heard my footsteps he looked up and smirked.

"well, why isn't it gay boy number two. where's your little pussy boy?" James laughed, setting aside his food. I smiled back, playing it off as if he wasn't about to get fucked up.

"he's at home. you beat him really bad. I don't really know why you have to take out your mom telling you that you were a failed abortion on everybody else." I shrugged, my eyes getting dark.

he glared at me and stood up, walking to me slowly. "who the fuck do you think you're talking to? I won't take that shit from a fag." my arm moved swiftly and my fist met his cheek with a large cracking noise. he was out like a light. (3 lights lit but the fourth ones out. he's the fourth light😉)

I went back to the cafeteria as if nothing happened, making sure James was the only one who knows who hit him.

Josh: I'm sorry Tyler.

Tyler: no. you didnt.
read at 4:15pm

I read Tyler's message again. I don't know why it had to be him. of all people. he's too kind. he's too precious. nobody will hurt my baby boy. I want him to be safe. and I get what i want; I'm Josh motherfucking dun.

when I got back to the cafeteria and to the table. everyone smiled. "Josh beat him in his shit. I can tell." Hayley grinned. the whole table gasped and I was littered with questions. "guys, guys, I only punched him once in the face and he got knocked out. that's it." I laughed.

"woah! I didn't know a small man could have such power!" Ashley giggled. Patrick looked her dead in the eyes and grinned. Brendon saw this and immediately covered Patrick's mouth with his hand. but Patrick bit it.  "ow you fucker!" Brendon screeched.

Patrick smiled and said "this little man kicked Brendon in his shit yesterday and he fell over." pointing at himself. Brendon frowned and whispered something in Patrick's ear, leaving Patrick a blushing, stuttering mess and Brendon smirking. "I mean, I uh, I-it was nothing I-" Patrick started. I interupted. " what did Brendon say that's making you so jumpy, huh pat?" I smiled. the friends looked up at this, waiting for his response.

"yea, what did I say?" Brendon asked, looking Patrick directly in the eye. Patrick looked back and blushed more. "nothing. nothing at all" he said still staring at Brendon, still smiling. they stayed that way till troye cleared his throat.

"I'm pansexual." he said, lowering his head. we all turned to him. he stopped breathing for a second, then began crying. "I just, I c-can't hide it any-anymore!" he cried. just as Melanie was about to hug and comfort him, a pastel boy with purple hair from the table next to us came and hugged Troye. "it's ok troye. breathe. you're fine." he said, holding troye. isnt he that tumblr kid? damn, what's his name again? "thanks con-connor." he whispered into his shoulder. that's his name.

"you ok t?" Ashley asked. troye nodded and told Connor he could go. before Connor left, he kissed Troyes forehead. awe. we all got up to hug him, telling him it was fine and that he was perfect the way he is.

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