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the next day, we all had to go to school. i woke up with the sun in my eyes, glowing on my cheeks and making me look dewy and soft. two arms, most likely josh's, were around my waist. after squeezing out of josh's arms I walked to the bathroom and washed my face, not having time to shower.

when i came back out, josh and phil were sitting next to each other, talking about... well whatever they were talking about. when josh realized I was back he jumped up and ran towards me. i smiled. when he got to me he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me softly, clearly grinning.

"ewwwwwww!" we heard everyone say. guess they woke up. we laughed, although being interrupted from our kissing. we were already late to school, missing 1st period. we decided to wait a little bit, so we would get there in time for 2nd. we hopped in our cars, sadly driving to hell.

what felt like 10 years later, we got to school, and immediately the moods of everyone dropped and became sad and depressed. we all got late passes, said goodbye to eachother, and headed to our classes.

everything went by quickly, even my classes with my friends passed by quickly. eventually the day was over, and we were all grouped outside.

"guys, there's gonna be a party tonight ashton's house. wanna come?" everyone smiled and agreed except for josh. i wanted to go, badly, as I've never been to a party or anything. josh started,"what if we go and i lose tyler and-" I kissed his lips lightly, pulling him towards me by his collar and waist, showing him that it would be fine. he kissed my head and nodded, grabbing my warm hand with his cold, but comforting one.

i could see that he was extremely worried. anything could happen. i could get lost, i could get poisoned, i could be taken away from josh. but, I wasn't worried about that. i would be surrounded by my closest friends. what could go wrong?

everyone bid their goodbyes and josh and I headed to his car. we got into our seats and he started the engine. nobody was at school anymore, just the few kids walking out.

i inched over into josh's lap, straddling him. "hi baby, what are you doing?" josh smiled softly, a slight worry in his voice." i didn't answer him, I just began laying kisses on his neck, up to his jawline, marking the skin as my territory. he froze for a second, pulled me away, and then crashed my lips into his, grabbing the back of my neck.

i slid my tongue into his mouth and without question, he did the same, gripping onto my small waist, making me smile against his lips.

"tyler..." i felt pressure in my pants, and quickly hopped off of his lap and into my seat, almost in shame. he giggled.

"what's funny josh? I'm not laughing" i rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "i gave you a boner." he said, grabbing my chin and turning my head towards him. i looked down into my lap, sadly. "it's okay baby, daddy will help you with your little problem when we get home." he smirked, kissing my lips once again.

What a shit chapter for making you guys wait so long. I'm sorry, school has been soooooo stressful. BUT THIS HAS 5k READS WHAAGATAWYWWBSHSJAH THANK YOU GUYS I DONT DESERVE IT! I LOVE ALL OF YOU❤️ btw I'll try to update more, once again, sorry for the delay.

- Sabrina (worst writer)

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