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"so, josh, how are you?" kelly asked, sipping from her wine glass.

"gay." I blatantly said.

"excuse me?" tyler's dad turned towards me. tyler, who was sitting next to me, shoved my shoulder. I ignored it and continued.

"I'm dating your son. and if you have a problem with that then we can-"

"called it!" kelly laughed, shoving her husband, chris. he rolled his eyes and sighed in his pocket, pulled out a $20, and stuck it in kelly's hand.

i looked at tyler and grinned.  "what the hell." tyler whispered. "lets go to my room, i cant deal with them."

he pulled me by my wrists and we walked to his room, slightly burning my wrist with his force. when we got to his room he pinned me down onto his bed and sat on my lap, both of his legs on either side of my waist. i looked up at him, slightly worried. "ty-"

he leaned down slightly and got close to my face. his lips were a millimeter away, and he didn't move, as if he was questioning what he was about to do. then, he kissed me slowly, softly. I kissed back almost immediately, holding the sides of his face. he kissed lightly, as if trying to be careful, as if he would hurt me if he kissed any harder. then suddenly, all too quickly, he stopped.

he sat up and looked down at me, smiling slightly. "yes?" I said, holding his hand. he didn't answer. then he hugged me. he wrapped his arms around my neck as I held his waist, and just held me.

"my precious baby."


tyler and i were in the car now. we were headed to ashley's house to have a sleepover with our friends. tyler was asleep in my lap while i drove, probably unsafe, but i had clear view of the road, so it wasn't like we were gonna crash or anything. i was driving with one hand on the wheel, one hand on tylers back, holding him as he drimed. soon we arrived to her house, along with the other 3 cars, showing that we were probably late.

"babe, wake up, we're here." i whispered. tyler yawned and smiled at me, his crooked teeth showing slightly. oh, how beautiful he is. i carried him to the door and knocked 3 times. the door slowly opened and melanie peeked through it. she squealed and opened the door for us. "the other gays are hereeeeee!!"

i put tyler down and we said hi to everyone. troye, connor, brendon, patrick, ashley, and hayley. immediately, the group began talking about their life and all of the drama in it.

"hayley, got an eye on anyone?" i smiled, nudging her side. she rolled her eyes.

"chad." she sighed.

everyone gasped. "chad gilbert? are you kidding?" troye squealed.

"yes. but, this is a night about us. so, lets just chill guys."

"or, you and mel can sing a song on the guitar." brendon grinned. everyone agreed on the idea. melanie ran to grab her guitar and she and hayley began singing. Dan and Phil had finally arrived before the song began, and after they said hello, the singing started.

"why do you build me up, buttercup, baby

just to let me down, and mess me around

and then worst of all, you never call, baby

when you say you will, but I love you still

i need you, i need you more than anyone, darlin'

you know that I have from the start,

so build me up, buttercup, don't break my heart..."

instantly i was reminded of the time tyler was singing in class, when his soft voice traveled throughout the room. when i realized i liked him, and when i realized i loved him.

the boy was asleep in my lap, snoring softly, while the two voices and a guitar echoed through the house.my friends were sat around me, and i was at peace.

my writing is getting worse, i don't know what to do.


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