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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I slowly opened my eyes to reveal my phone vibrating and basically yelling in my ear. I turned it off and sat up in my bed. school time. yay. I got ready in an all black outfit and headed downstairs to find my brother, jay, setting the table for breakfast.

"what on earth are you doing setting the table?" I questioned him. by the look on his face, he had pissed my mom off and had to do something for her. "idiot." I laughed at him. soon my mom, dad, other brother and sister arrived at the table.

"nice job jay" Madison, my sister, giggled. "yea, nice." said zack, my other brother. jay was redder then a strawberry with anger issues. everyone laughed and ate their breakfast. "alright kids. Madison and jay, then Tyler and zack together. let's go." my mom said, ushering us out of the house and into the car.

after a hilarious car ride, I was at school. zack went off with his friends and left me alone. of course. I was just standing there when two tall boys with dark fringes approached me.

they also seemed to be holding hands. awe. yikessss, human interaction coming up in 3..2..1- "hi! I'm Dan and that's Phil, we were wondering if you could help us? we weren't here yesterday so we are lost as beans." Dan, the brown haired one almost begged. Phil, the ebony haired dude just stood there. aw. a shy toll bean. how adorable.

"sure! what's your first class?" I smiled kindly. "science, mrs. wiles." they both said. "oh! right next to mine. come on the bell will ring any minute and you can just follow me." the bell rung soon after we started walking. we got to class and they said bye. "bye..... um, what's your name?" Phil asked. "Tyler."

i went to my first class, civics, and sat down. "hey shyty" said troye. troye was a cute curly headed Australian/ South African boy with blue eyes that I met yesterday when the teacher assigned us as table partners. "hey."  before we could have a conversation, the teacher started talking about presidents. woopee.

soon, my other four classes passed and troye and I went to the cafeteria. "hey, you should sit with my table at lunch! you may know them!" troye suggested. "s-sure,
thanks troye" I almost whispered.
yay more human interaction! my favorite. we walked into the lunch room and soon troye was called over by a pink haired bo- josh. FrICK.

"hey guys, this is Tyler. he's in my civics class. be nice to him."troye patted my shoulder and sat me down..
next to josh.

all I saw was josh, Ashley from 3rd period, a guy with a big forehead, melanie from 3rd period,a small dude with a fedora, and Hayley from 2nd period. too many people.

i could feel josh smirking at me. "hi! I'm Brendon, this is Hayley, Ashley, Melanie, Patrick, and josh. josh said he knows you?" Brendon grinned. "uh, yea, we uh, we have art together. I also know Mel, ash, and Hayley from other classes" I smiled softly. "isn't he that hot-" troye started before josh covered his mouth. troye got the hint and stopped talking. what's up with that?

"hey....ty" josh smirked. I felt a hand slide onto my inner thigh, slowly making its way upwards. what a cheeky little dipcrap. my breath hitched and I stopped talking.

I just waved and smiled at everyone. they carried on taking as I tried my hardest to keep calm. I soon felt Josh's hand move closer, slowly making his index finger and middle finger walk, and walk, before stopping a centimeter before my already hard dick. he slid his hand under my shirt onto my happy trail and down to the button of my pants and then was about to slide down before I grabbed him by the arm tightly, dragging him to the bathroom.

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