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tyler was asleep on his bed. his hand would twitch every couple seconds, it was cute. he was still in the hospital after connor and troye dropped him off. when i got to the hospital they fixed my wrist, which broke after I punched him. when I got to his room, he was getting surgery to fix a fractured rib. he also got a cast on his wrist after he stepped on it.

he. as in James.

the boy that hurt my baby twice. now he was in the hospital with not enough broken bones, not enough cuts, and not enough bruises. he deserved more. I should have destroyed all of his bones. he should be in a full body cast,that son of a bitch. I was swept from my thoughts when the brunette yawned and stretched, my hand still in his small one. I looked down at him. he was extremely pale. he had a small scar on the bridge of his nose and a few small cuts on his left cheek. his eyes were sunken in slightly, adding blue, purple, and green hues to his once tan face. he had a cast on his wrist and a bandage on his stomach. even with everything, he looked like an angel. he sadly smiled, one small, shiny tear falling from his right eye.

before it could fall, I swiped his bruised cheek with my thumb, erasing the tear from his skin. he looked up at me. another tear fell. then another, then another. it was as if it was in slow motion. I could see each small drop of water slip from his eyes to his cheeks. he wiped them himself this time.

" you are too beautiful to be in pain tyler." I whispered. he laughed.
"I'm not beautiful. I'm broken and bruised." he frowned, looking into my eyes.  I turned my head to hide him from my sight. I couldn't see tyler in pain. it hurt me. before I could cry, a small hand turned my chin. tyler made me face him.

" why are y-you upset? I'm going to be o-ok. this will last a little while, then I'll be good as new. your tyguy will be healed and h-happy again. alright?" Tyler said quietly, smiling at me.

" the bruises and broken bones should be on me, not you. never you. I need you healthy and happy or else, I'm not happy. right now, I want to kill james. he's a piece of  literal shit. ( Dans "litRal") I want him dead. " I growled. tyler grinned.

"shut up and k-kiss me."

" what?"

"k-kiss me, p-please."


so I did.

blushyboy•joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now