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Tyler had ran as fast as he could out of art, leaving me horny and the last one in class. "shit" I said under my breath. I left the class to meet up with my friends to walk home.

Melanie, troye and I lived in the same neighborhood and Brendon, patrick, Hayley and Ashley lived in a neighborhood 2 blocks away. while we were walking and chatting, troye whispered in my ear. "hey, you ok? I saw you when you left your last class. you looked dodgy." I mumbled "I'm fine." troye nodded in suspicion.

you can talk to him josh. we walked a little more and I rushed my sentence. "ok. so basically iwasinartandthisreallyhotkidturnedmeonandihadtogomasturbate." I immediately regretted telling him as he looked up and "BRENDON COME HERE!" troye yelled. he's lucky he was my friend.

brendon was talking to patrick and was annoyed having to come talk to us. being separated from Pat was not his favorite thing. he came up to us. "what the fuck do you two memelords want?" he growled. "joshy boy has a little crush. he masturbated just thinking bout him." i turned to troye lifting a fist. he giggled and ran up to melanie.

I turned to a smirking Brendon with a hand on his hip. "josh? this true?" I blushed in embarrassment. "yea? look, I barely know the guy. I don't have a crush. he's just one of the most beautiful frickin boys I've ever seen. ok?" I said as if it was nothing.

"josh. don't worry. it'll become a crush." he winked and walked away with Patrick, Hayley and Ashley. mostly Patrick. troye, Mel and my neighborhood was in front of us. we said bye to the other four and went home.

"bye bitches." I waved at Mel and troye. they waved back and went home. I opened the door to find my parents asleep on the couch with the the fault in our stars playing on the tv. aw.

I grabbed a pizza my mom made and headed to my room. I walked inside, set my stuff down and after eating, flopped on my bed. I sighed thinking about today, my teachers, and Tyler.

he was so beautiful and sexy at the same time. his body was so small, yet slightly muscular. his hair was soft and fluffy and his eyes. his eyes were dark brown and deep, as if they held secrets. his voice was so light as soft, like a flower. and i wanted to hear it more. and with Tyler in my mind, I fell asleep.

AYEEE hey memes what's good? sorry for the weird capitalization as I can't write for shit. please comment! it makes me smile. you don't have to tho:) HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT/REST OF DAY!💖

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