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Tyler ran out of the car before I could say anything else. he was jealous of some boy. Pete was telling me a joke and he happened to be a little close to me. not a big deal. but Tyler was jealous.

i decided not to bother him, so I just drove to the local park. I say park but it's just a small lake with 2 benches. when I got there, it was about 7:15 in the evening, so the sun was soon to set.

when I got there and laid on the grass, I thought about Tyler. do you ever look at someone and take everything in? and how beautiful they are? like you look at how when they smile, their eyes squint? (if you sing forest I'm) and how when they laugh they hold their stomach? and how when they get angry you can see the dissapointment in their eyes?

I did this with Tyler. always looking at how beautiful he is. Jesus. this boy is special. i mentally cursed at myself for letting him leave. I felt droplets hit my bare skin. rain. I scurried into my car and drove home. when I got there, I heard my family talking.

I jangled my keys in the door, opening it slowly. I saw my sisters crying with my dad and my brother crying with my mom. "what's going on?" I asked. every one looked at me.

"im lesbian Josh." Ashley said. everyone began laughing. they fucking tricked me. "I mean Ashley's lesbian, but yea we pranked you." my dad laughed. I rolled my eyes. "congrats Ashley. I'm proud of you. the rest of you, fuck yourselves." I said bluntly, waking to my room.

my dad laughed at my statement and then got slapped my my mom on the arm. "watch you language dun!" my parents were pretty chill people. i could hear my brother and sisters laughing at my comment, but I didn't find it funny.

I would have laughed at the prank, but I was too upset. Tyler ran away from me, afraid of a bad result. I shut my door and flopped on my bed. after laying there for 5 minutes, I texted Tyler. just to check on him.

Josh: Tyler?? are you ok?

Tyler: why are you talking to me? don't you hate me?

Josh: how could I hate you?  I would never hate you buddy.

Tyler: you're a good liar.

Josh: why would I lie to a friend?

Tyler: see? that's the damn thing. I wish the end of that text didn't say friend.I wish it said baby boy. I wish I didn't have feelings for you. even though it's been a few weeks, I can't stop thinking about you. I hate that.

Josh: Tyler...
read 8:47pm

I almost texted back. i didn't want him to hate me because of me being annoying. I should have told him that I had feelings too. I'm an idiot. maybe Melanie will wanna hang out tomorrow so I can forget this.

Josh: hey, can we hang out tmr?

Melanie: sure! I'll pick you up at 2:00

Josh: thanks Mel.

and with that, I was out like a light.

this is a shorter, suckier chapter oops

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