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i know what your thinking. "THIS IS WHEN JOSH FUCKS TYLER RIGHT?" well. nope. you don't get to read that. you aren't that lucky yet. anyway. back to the story:)

it was the night of ashton irwins party, and honestly, i was not excited. i did not want to have to be watching tyler for 3 hours making sure nobody was doing anything to him. despite hat fact, i ignored the thoughts in the back of my head and got ready earlier, having to pick tyler up.

obviously i still looked hot, I mean it is a party, and I am josh dun. i gotta look sexy for my baby.  i arrived to tyler's house and already the brunette was standing outside waiting on me. he looked beautiful. he had on a pastel pink t- shirt with some holes here and there, and black jeans with a rip on each knee. he looked incredibly sexy. so glad im allowed to do whatever I want to that. thank god.

with his consent , of course.

i opened the door and stepped out, slowly walking to tyler, smirking at the sight. he was flushing furiously under my gaze. when i reached him, i grabbed his waist and kissed him desperately. he made me feel weak. fine ass boy. he kissed back immediately, sucking on my bottom lip slightly while still kissing me. we kept kissing and walking backwards, our kissing getting more deep. i ended up wrapping my hand around his neck and pinning him against his side of the car, feeling his smirk against my lips. i pulled back and laughed.

"tyler, although that was amazing, we gotta go. we don't wanna be late."

he blushed and got inside the car, and in about 10 minutes we were at the house.  ashton's house was quite big, like the average party house of the host in all the movies. it was actually really nice, despite the disgusting teenagers swarming inside of it. the first person we noticed, thankfully , was brendon. he was talking to patrick while sipping something, most likely beer, in a red solo cup. him and patrick walked up to us and greeted us with hugs.

"hey guyssss what's up! glad ya guys came. the drinks are in the fridge, snacks are on the table so feel free to whatever you like. YOU GUYS LOOK SO CUTE THOUGH!" brendon squealed. patrick hugged us as well and bid us on our way.

"babe, I'm fucking thirsty, get me a drink?" tyler whispered in my ear.

i love when he swears. i nodded and carried him on my shoulders to the fridge and passed him a sprite.

"JOSH IM AFRAID OF HEIGHTS BITCH!" he yelled in my ear, pinching my arms and shoulders. 

once i turned us around to leave the kitchen, troye and connor approached us.

"omg hey guys! you remember connor right?"

"of course! he was the cute sweet guy , wasn't he?" tyler giggled.

my eyebrow twitched but I kept my cool and smiled.

"uh, lol yea I guess that's me , thank you. nice to see you guys again!" connor smiled.

he is cute.

once again tyler and i were left alone wandering the house. we sat on the couch together and watched as everyone got high and drunk. yikes.

"babe I need to use the restroom , i'll be right back." tyler said quietly, getting up.

I turned to him quickly, yanking him down.

"no, i'll come. my eyes need to stay on you all night tyler. we can't seper-"

"josh. let me go. I'll be fine . I have your number, if anything happens I'll call you."

he kissed me softly , and got up to leave.

i sat there tapping my foot, watching everyone have fun and occasionally checking my watch. when tyler left it was 9:45, it's 9:53, where is he? i knew something was wrong. i ran through the hall to the bathroom and what i saw smashed my heart into 10 billion pieces.

Um, hey guys. It's been a while but I'm back with another shitty update. I wrote this at 5:30am .... aka it's shitty. Sorry I'm such an ass writer lmao but here ya go guys. Ily💋

-Sabrina the teenage bitch

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