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a/n thank so much for 2k, I love you guys.


the wind blew in my brown hair, making random strands fly in my face. i was in josh's car, looking out of the window. he sky was blue and purple, like my arms and waist. I had just got out of the hospital and was on my way home. the 1975's "somebody else" was playing on the radio and I was singing along quietly, tapping my foot.

my sweater was wrapped around my shoulders and fingers, covering my arms and filling them with warmth. my joggers were a little too big, draping on my legs. I kept looking out the window. the sky was full of clouds, all different shapes and sizes. everything was blurry as the car was moving quite quick, almost making me a little dizzy. josh slowed down and completely stopped when he saw a red light.

"tyler, i'm so sorry. I should have been at school earlier." josh said, lowering the music. I frowned at the cotton candy boy. "josh, don't be sorry. it's not yo- your fault. it just happened. don't beat yourself up about it, l- love." i said, my voice slowly fading into a whisper. he just smiled in response. I looked down at josh, examining him.

his thighs.

he was in some tight jeans that wrapped around his pudgy thighs. they looked so pretty. I just wanted to sit on them and kiss his cheek, his lips, his neck. he was such a soft person in my eyes. he started the car again and I started to see familiar houses from our neighborhood.

"we're here babe." josh said, wiping my thoughts away. I smiled at his beautiful face and got out of the car. I walked around and went to my front door, josh trailing behind me. I was about to knock on the door when josh grabbed my hand. I turned at him, confused.

"what if they get mad at me for not protecting you good enough and then theyll hate me forever and then they can't find out we're dating cause then they'll kill me and-" I leaned in quickly and kissed josh. his lips were soft and plump, perfectly molding with mine. I smiled into the kiss. I slowly backed away, pressing our foreheads together for a few seconds.

"they already know you, and they lo-love you. and I'm sure they'll be ok with us d-dating. relax, ok?" i said, blushing from the kiss. josh nodded and I knocked on the door.




the door opened quick and I was engulfed into a hug. then 4 more hugs.

"tyler!!" my whole family hugged me at once, making me warm. I hugged them back lovingly. josh peeked from behind me. "um hi, sorry I didn't protect your son better and that he was in the hospital and-" soon josh was squeezed into a hug as well. my family was thanking him over and over, all of their voices blending together and sounding like mush. when he was released, my family walked inside and he just stood there, blush on his cheeks.

I smiled at him and he slowly opened his mouth, grinning slightly.
"th-they don't hate me."

"of course not. how could they hate the josh dun?"

"I love you."

"I l-love you too, josh."

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