thirteen ✨

702 29 35


Tyler looked up at me. "you're so beautiful ty." I said. I saw a blush come across his cheeks as he squirmed. "stop joshhh." he mumbled, dragging out my name. He stood up and looked at me, smiling.

he looked so beautiful. his eyes were so happy.

i walked towards him leaning in slowly until our faces were a few centimeters apart. "w-what are you doing j-Josh? I, we-" he started, breath shortening with every word. "you'll see kitten." I smirk. I see his eyes widen at the name, and he looks down.

I take his chin in my hand and walk backwards, leading him with me. I then turn so he's walking backwards until we end up pressed against the wall. I'm leaning over him, keeping full contact.

I take my hand and play with the waistband on his boxers, slowly getting closer to the end of his happy trail. I press my body against his. "Josh-" I kiss him gently, still pressed against his small figure. he kisses back and wow this boy is amazing.

he slides his tongue in my mouth, asking for entrance. I smirk and let him do it, deepening the kiss. his tongue dances with mine, filling me with color and life.

the front door slams. "Tyler! we're home!" his mom calls. I jump back and so does Tyler. we hear footsteps come up the stairs. i push Tyler on the bed and throw a book in his hands and I do the same.

the door opens slowly. "hey...Josh? what are you doing here?" his mom says. "sorry mom, i was feeling a little sick so I asked Josh to come over and hang out with me incase I need to go to the hospital." Tyler smiled.

how the hell did he come up with that?

i smirked at the brunette. clever baby. "oh. alright then. Josh? can you stay for dinner?" she smiled at me. I looked at Tyler. he was blushing with a grin on his face. "yea of course! thanks mama jo." she smiled and closed the door.

Tyler pushed me down and sat on my lap, straddling me. this boy I swear.

"not so shy anymore huh?" I smirk, grabbing his hips. he blushes. "I-I'm still shy. I just do....things." he began rolling his hips, grinding his body against mine. I restrained a moan. he smiled and started kissing down my jaw.

I felt heat in my thighs. nopity. he started kissing me on the lips with force. I liked it.


I loved it.

then. he got off of me. "sorry joshie. I'm still....shy." Tyler winked. "fuck you." I said, getting up. Tyler looked at me.

"please." he whispered.

with that I grabbed his waist and put him on the bed. he covered his face with his small pink hands. shy baby.I started leaning in before-

"dinners ready!"



"so Josh, how are you?" Tyler's father asked. Tyler's dad is a coach for a different school. he's chill.

your son just kissed me and turned me on, I think I have a boner, and the boy is next to me biting and slurping his food with his lips. I'm fucking great. you?

"I'm good, you?" I smile, asking sincerely. he nods as if saying "I'm good." the family chats and I feel Tyler's hand trace circles on my inner thigh. I shiver, his hands making me weak. I see him giggle.


I return the favor and go under his shirt. i slide my hands down his pants. (over the boxers, not touching the weewee) I palm him through his boxers.

"uh-" Tyler moans.

the whole table turns to him and he gets red. "sorry my stomach hurts." he says quickly. "sure ty." Zach smirks.

I win.

this isn't edited so WOOP btw guys I get turned on easy so COMMENTS DIRECTED TOWARDS ME PLEASE RELAX LIKE WOWOWOWO

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