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the last thing I saw from josh was his eyes. they were full of anger and hatred. the hazel eyes I loved were now dark, almost black. tears flowed from my own eyes, falling onto my t-shirt, making the shirt appear darker where the tears landed. I was in the back seat of connors car, while him and troye were in the front. my whole body hurt. every layer of skin, every muscle, every bone. all of it was throbbing with pain.

james had hurt me for the second time. i was waiting for josh at the benches. then James and his friends came. then i saw red. then the concrete. then josh.

then a car. "troye? where do we take him?" connor asked quietly.
"we take him to the hospital. he needs to be bandaged up." troye answered sadly.

i couldn't speak. my throat hurt and my lip was busted. but I tried anyway. "no....josh."

troye looked at me sadly. a tear dropped from his eye, slowly falling down his cheek. troye is such a caring boy. he just met me senior year, and he was crying because I was hurt. "hurry con. please." troye sadly smiled. with that, connor accelerated. soon we arrived at the hospital. we rushed in. I ended up in a bed with needles in my arms. it was all a blur to me. every second. then I was asleep.


"tyler, babe, wake up. it's josh." a voice murmured. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw a person in front of me, but my eyesight was fuzzy. I looked them up and down when I saw a faded pink blur. I shot up from the bed, only to feel pain and be pushed down by gravity.

l felt heat all over my body. pain went through every vein. something felt right about the pain I was feeling. maybe I deserved it. just for existing on this sad, dull excuse of a planet. I was pulled from my thoughts when josh kissed my forehead and sat in a chair next to my bed.

"I'm so sorry tyler. I'm so sorry I didn't get to school earlier." josh was holding my hand so tight. so tight it was as if I was slipping away. as if he knew that this shitty world was getting to me too quickly. as if he knew I couldn't battle for very long. I looked at him. he was smiling down at me. his fingers were bruised, purple and blue littering his fists. his pink hair was now faded to almost blond. his eyes were watering.

I smiled back and squeezed his hand.

but I don't wanna fall away. I'll stay alive.

for him.

( troYE siVaN)

babes if you haven't noticed I'm making the chapters shorter from now on...... i feel like it's easier.

xx Sabrina

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