Before we get started...

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Okay so just as a warning....

This is a DD/LB fanfiction

If you dont like this kind of stuff, then please feel free to leave, and please dont leave awful comments...

Its just rude and unnecessary...

So thank you...

Now whoever is still here and reading this, I assume you are into this kink or just like reading this stuff because you are either bored or just love all ferars fanfiction, or both or all of the above.

Now once again, if you are here to kink shame, i will block your ass immediately, its not nice to kink shame, or make fun of other people and what they like.

So please remove yourself or be removed...

Satan is holding a special place for you in hell.

Hopefully its not next to mine because you will have some issues.

Its my place in hell, dont touch it or breathe in it.

Thank you.

What was I talking about, oh yeah...

Its a ferard/frerard, how ever many 'r's you want to add, and there will be some slight cursing and of course there will be smut and boyxboy action.

These fics are mighty boring without it.

Im sorry but it has to be this way...

If you would like, comment here to request an all fluff, no smut ferard fanfic or dd/lb, and i will be glad to do one, but im not going to waste my time and energy making something no one wants.


I love you all...

Now if you are still reading this, wow you have patience and if you got this fair, comment 'get on with the fic. Kitty'

Your wish is my command...

Here is the fic...


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