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This chapter is dedicated to burymeinart

In the morning after we, well you know...

I woke up first and put the blanket, our clothes, the washcloth and any other dirty clothes that he needed to wash, in the washer.

After that, I went to the kitchen and made some breakfast, just something simple, eggs, toast, and bacon, also a glass of orange juice.

I made two plates, one with everything in it and one with everything minus the bacon.

I quickly ate my plate, (the one without bacon, because vegetarian here) and then grabbed the other one and went upstairs to wake up Gee.

I gently poke him in the cheek a couple times, that didn't work, so I set the olate down on the nightstand, which happened to be by the bottle of lube, but oh well, both edible right?!?!

After random kisses, licks, hickeys, pokes, tickles, and booty slaps.

Sleeping Beauty has finally awoken.

Gee sat up, sleepily, his hair everywhere, well more then usual, and makes grabby hands towards me.

I let out a soft laugh and make my way towards him, "What do you want, baby boy?"

"Cuddles." He replies.

I smile and lay beside him, then pull him on top of me, so he is laying on top of my chest.

And that is how we spent the whole day, and the weekend after my birthday.

Cuddles, Netflix, Food and Sex.

What a great weekend, it was indeed.


Very short, I know, but this is coming to an end in a few chapters, but I have abother book coming out right after this...

It's called "No Homo" and its a Riren/Ereri (Levi×Eren) story and boy x boy, so if you dont know what ship this is or the people/characters, it is still a boy×boy, so you will hopefully still read it an enjoy it...

I will have a description up, at the end of one of the chapters... ♡

I was going to wait to post these last few chapters, but I am just going to post them all, and then edit and make sure everything is spelled right and makes sense lol xoxokitty♤
Love ya all!

xoxo kitty♤


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