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Chapter 1:

--Franks POV--

It's the first day of school.

Yay. Can you sense my excitement.

Ha, no?, well thats because there is none. Good try though, A for effort.

I'm grabbing whatever shit I'll need for whatever class is next, doesn't matter I'll probably end up ditching it or walking out of it, because its a stupid class and i dont care.

I heard we are getting a new kid, today, heard he was homeschooled before.

Poor thing will be ate alive in these halls... never been to public school, so that means he will desperately try to fit in and wesr all the latest fashion. Probably act tough and all cool.

But probably fail miserably or succeed and be one of us, in the popular group.

Whatever you wanna call us.

You see, Im Frank fucking Iero.

Don't wear it out.

I have been with everyone in these halls and some of them twice. And they still fawn over me and dont care if they have been played.

Its almost sad how they dont care.

I have, though, never taken anyones, V-card. Its to personal and they will get attached and think it's true love, so I stay away from them.

Soon my name is being called to the office.


I haven't even done anything yet. Its the first day...

I go anyway to see, who wants what.

As soon as I get there, I don't bother knocking, I act like I own the place and I basically do, my dad is from Italy and lets say there may or may not be some mafia, but he does own a large wine company, in fact the #1 selling one in the world. But im not here to brag how rich I am and I see dress like an emo from 2005....

Anyway, I glare at the secretary and she shrinks down in her seat slightly, "What is it Trish?" I ask her.

"Well you see, there is a new kid and you have been choosen to show him around."

"Okay, well where is he?" I ask.

She points behind me and I turn around to see a kid, my age, in black with black lace edge skirt, cat thigh high socks, hot pink high heels and a hot pink sweater, with a black cat ear headband in his bright red, shoulder length hair.

He stands up and stares at his feet nervously, and then looks up at me, he has hazel eyes, pink tinted cheeks and glossy lips, he has think, long black lashes and has perfectly winged eyeliner.

I feel my throat go dry, just by looking at him and I know nothing about him or heard him speak.

"Well come on then." I say after I compose myself.

I walk out of the office and soon hear the new kid behind me, the halls are carpeted so you cant hear his high heels click along the floor

"What class do you have first?" I ask him and turn around, but see he is a ways down the hallway, stopped and standing still looking at something on the wall.

I roll my eyes and jog back to where he is to see what he is looking at.

I see he is looking at the case of trophies, I sigh and he jumps, obviously startled, he turns and looks at me, glaring slightly and then turns back to the case.

He sighs and I just watch him, look into the case.

"Okay...?" I say after 30 seconds of him looking longingly into the case.

He looks at me, and seems like he just remembered I was there.

"Oh." He whispers

"Well what's with the case?" I ask, he just shakes his head and walks, I mean struts down the hall, some boys turn there heads and watch him as he goes, I'm just standing here, watching his hips sway from side to side, its hypnotizing, no wonder there are like 5 other guys doing the same.

Soon, I snap back into reality and shake my head to my self before running after him, after the guys see me, go after him, theu turn there heads away from, him and I hear them whisper, 'Oh its Franks', 'Dammit Frank got dibs' 'Too bad that ass is Franks, cuz I want me some of it'

I sigh, thank god, everyone will back off now, because he is so innocent and small and cute.

What am I saying. I just met him.

I flash my irresistible smile and catch up to the new kid.

A/N: short but a first chapter of sorts ♡

766 words


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