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So I am all dressed up, I have the presents tucked under my arm and holding the bouquet in thst same hand, and I knock on Gees door with my other hand.

I wait patiently, as I wait, I think about what I am going to say to him. I need something that explains how I feel about him,  but also not coming off as sappy or cliché.

Oh fuck it.

Sappy and cliché it is.

I snap out of my thoughts as Gee opens the door. He is in a red skater skirt, black thigh highs, a black of the shoulder sweater and has just a little mascara on.

He gives me a puzzled look, to my attire and what I am holding. He welcomes me inside and I set the presents on the coffee table and hand him the flowers. He smiles gratefully and puts them in a vase.

He comes back over to me and I grab his hands and interlace our fingers.

"So I just want to say, that I like you, like a lot and I want to be with you for a long time, and I know this may seem fast, well not really because we kinda did the step in the wrong order, but it doesnt matter, because I am here to finish one of the last steps."

I kiss him gently on the lips. "Gee, would you do me the honor and be my boyfriend?"

He gasps, then attacks my lips with his, it soon turns heated, but I pull away, and he whimpers. "Not yet, in a little bit" I tell him.

"First you have to open your presents, baby boy."

He nods and grabs them both and sets them on the couch, beside me and then straddles my lap, and picks up one and starts to open it.

Inside the box are five pairs of thigh highs, one pair in the colors, black, white, red, gray, and light pink.

He smiles and looks up at me, and then kisses my lips. He sets the present box aside and starts to grind on my hips, and starts to suck on my neck.

"No, no, baby, you still have a present to open." He groans.

"I can open it later, I want you now."

"I know, I want you too, but open your present, then we can go to the bedroom."

He sighs loudly and takes the second present and opens it, he blushes and looks away from me. Inside are lacy panties of all kinds and colors, there are 5 lacy thongs, in black, plum, red, white, and hot pink, and 5 lacy panties, with little bows on the front in plum, dark red, black, navy and  teal. I stuck with darker colors because I love the contrast between the dark fabric against his pale, soft skin.

He mumbles something, but I cant hear him.

"What was that, baby boy?"

"Thank you, Frankie." He says quietly.

"Awe, you are welcome, baby." I reply, "But do you remember what I told you to call me a while ago?"

He blushes and nods. "What did I say?"

He mumbles the answer but I want to hear him loud and clear.

"What was that, you know I hate it when you mumble."

"Daddy." He whispers.

"Thats right, Call me Daddy."


Welp this is it....

What a crazy ride, this has been, huh lol

I love ya all, and also i will post later about my new story coming out called "No Homo" and what it is all about!

xoxo kitty♤

Story finished: November 6, 2016

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