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Take this halloween special and shut the fuck up and enjoy it. Because halloween is the shit and its my favorite month/season/holiday. And btw my birthday is in 2 days and idek wtf, like i forgot my own birthday and now its like here and im like woah... anywhore on to the story... :)
Chapter: 🎃🎃🎃

After I drag Mikey and Gee around the mall for 5 and half hours, Mikey now has a new wardrobe and style, to get all the bitches.

Mkay, Mikey has a new hair style and contacts instead of his glasses and even a nose piercing.

And he looks hella hot and smexy. But I have my eyes set in a different way.

Hahaha omg Way brother puns...

Moving on...

We also picked out Halloween costumes since thats around the corner.

Gerard chose a outfit thay he wont show me he wants it to be a surprise, as much as that aggravates me, I know that I will love his costume,  whatever it is, because its Gee, I could never hate Gee.

Like ever. No matter what.

I am going as a sexy, badass punk Frankenstein.

Oh wait thats me everyday, sorta. Oh well.


and Moikes is going as a badass biker guy, curtesy of moi.

Just kidding, Frankie boy, doesnt do french, but he does Italian and hopefully Gee in the near future.

What? One can dream...

DONT LET YOUR JUICE BE DREAMS! (A/n: this is an inside joke, i will explain at the end lol)

Now we are heading to Gee and Mikeys house, their dad ran off with another woman, after Gee was born and their mother left shortly after that, leaving there Grandmother, Helena, take care of them. She is old and in the hospital right now, they say she isn't going to make it, but Gee has hope. But Gee is also childish, and innocent, always seeing the good and never the bad.

Gee is sheltered and a child on the inside and out, Mikey protects his younger brother, overly so, keeping him sheltered from anything that could make him frown or upset.

After we got to the Way residence, ee set Mikeys fashion propaganda in his room, for us to put away later and went back down stairs and start putting up the Halloween decorations.

"Hey Mikey, can we have a party here on Halloween?" Gee asks his older brother, timidly. "When you go to school tomorrow, you are surely going to be super popular and in Franks crowd by the end of the day, why not have a big party here on Halloween"

Mikey thinks about it for a few moments and looks a me, I shrug, its his house, technically, so he gets to make the choice.

He sighs and gives in, he always gives in to Gee, who couldn't?

"Yes, Gee, we can have a party, but only because you asked nicely."

"When have I ever not asked nicely, Michael?"

Mikey sighs again, "You have, I know, and please don't call me Michael, make me feel like I'm in trouble."

Gee smiled and then had a game face, oh dear, I know that face.

Gee is planning something.
540 words

Comment on any mistakes, unedited

More halloween specials coming up!


I forgot to say the inside joke, heh, im sorry, okay so i was at my best friends, spending the night and we were talking and it was reallly late, early? It was like 1 in the morning and she said something about dreams not coming true and i was like "DONT LET YOUR DREAMS BE DREAMS" but it came out like "DONT LET YOUR JUICE BE DREAMS" and now we say that instead of the original saying lol and we have a laugh and its all good lol

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