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A/n: due to people not being able to see this chapter, because of the "fancy font" I use, to make it look like it was Franks handwriting, so instead of you guys not being able to read it, here it is...

I would bend universes for you,
I would take a bullet for you,
I would do anything for you,
Mon amour.

Dear Diary,

Why the fuck do I still have you. The last time I wrote in you, was in the 5th grade... I seriously didnt think i kept you around all of this time...

Any way, so I met a boy...

Isn't this how every page of a teenagers diary/journal/piece of shit starts?

Anywhore, I met this boy. And fuck is he something else, His name is Gerard, But he goes by Gee, and is the sweetest thing you will ever meet.

With the cutest accent and his cute nose and the way he can rock both feminine and masculine clothing.

I hate it when he is sad and heart broken, he doesnt show it on his face, but his body language and clothing choice speaks for him. When he is happy, he is less tense and wears bright colors, whether that is a pastel pink skirt, or a bright yellow polo, is up to him and what gender he feels like, and his body language, is more relaxed and calm, his voice is sassy, and sure of himself. But when he is upset, he wears blues or deep purples... His face stays strong but his body strays, looking meek and small, timid. When he is pissed when like a fire ant, he wears red and black. He wears combat booys and ripped fishnets. With a face that looks like hell is about to be brought down on some pour soul. And when he is depressed he wears all black, maybe navy, has forced smiles and mumbles instead of talking.

Gee is beautiful and my best friend, ᴏver knowing him for little amount of time that I have, I know I would love to have more with him, but his friendship and companiship is all I could possibly ask for, for the time being...

Maybe one day we will be more, but for now, i can tell you, an inanimate book with dead fucking trees in the middle.

I am hopelessly in love with Gee Way.


Chapter written: october 6th, 2016 2:02am

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