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I storm off and leave Gee standing looking confused in the hallway.

I angrily stomp off, which now that I think of it. May be very hilarious and entertaining, due to me being very short, so i may look like an angry gnome or something.

Anywhore, back to the current topic...

Im about to crack the whip on one McCrackenLacken.

For realsies.

I soon spot him, gropping some thin boy with glasses and awkward knees, I immediately pull wobble knees away and push Bert against the wall, and hold him there.

"Why did you do that to Gee?"

"What are you talking about. I would never hurt my kitten." Bert smirks.

I roll my eyes, "Then, please do explain the huge hand print bruise on his wrist."

"Oh that..." He smirks and I feel very ill all of the sudden, "After we left the cafeteria, me and him went into bathroom, and had a little fun, that's all"

I frown, Gee didn't seem to think it was fun.. In fact he look guilty or upset about it.

Was it forced?

It might have been, we are talking about Bert here. He is so low of scum his name shouldn't even be capitolized anymore.

I push bert against the wall again, when he tries to move away.

"Bruise him again, and I will bruise you." I growl at bert.

bert rolls his eyes and smirks once again, "Oh, honey that's what I do, I mark them,  after all he is mine." God. His breath stinks. "You do know that. He is merely a toy to me, of no value at all. Just a little play thing, he doesn't notice though, blinded by "love" and the gifts and pleasure I shower on him. Too bad he doesn't know, well, for him, for me I got a toy... Him? He has false love and false sense of security." Uhm. Rude.. "Hmm. Too bad, so sad."

With that he shoves me, making me fall to my butt on the floor, I stay there and watch him stalk off, my mouth hung open.

I can't believe he just said that and admitted it to me.

I hear a whimper behind me and I turn my head to meet a certain pair of bright hazel eyes. Only now they are dull and brimmed with tears.


End of part one, which was ♡

Now im going to use ☆

I cant decide to do 5, then do 4, then 3 and so on,

Or do 1, then 2, then 3, etc...

Does that make sense, if not here. I will show you.. so i already have the hearts

But now need to do ☆

Option 1


Option 2



Vote above and then after stars I will use my other little things i have ♤ ◇ ♧ ○ ● □ ■

And do them in the same fashion of either option you guys choose...

Lol sorry that i havent updated in a super long time, but I have been so busy, i will try to update asap


Published: September 19, 2016 @ 10:01pm

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