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I decide to take a detour through the park, when I make the sudden turn, I grab Gee's hand and drag him down the sidewalk, he gives me a confused look, but then sees the park up ahead and the look disolves from his face, easily.

The park looks amazing in the fall weather, the cool crisp air blowing through the multicolored leaves, as well as the leaves on the ground, swirling and being whisked away by the wind.

I tug on Gees hand and pull him to the edge of the park, that leads into the woods.

"W-why are we going in here?" Gee asks

I smile lightly,  "I have something to show you.."

"...MY D¡CK!!" Nah im just playing...

He smiles, and I follow the all to familiar path, through the wooded area.

Soon a stream is visible, the stream has blue, clear water, and is only 4 feet deep or so, so you can see all the way to the bottom, of how clear the water is, rocks of different sizes and shapes line either side of the stream, and has 6 large stone across it so you can hop across them to the other side.

"Woah" He exclaims, "its beautiful"

I smile and look at him, fondness filling me, "Yeah, he is." I mumble.

He turns his head to look at me, and smiles, then pulls me into a big hug, i return it and then in a second, he is off of me and running to the stream in a flash, jumping over the large stones and on the other side, as he giggles and picks up some leaves and throws them into the air.

I make my way over to the stream, and jump across the stones, he has his back turned to me, as he is looking up at the sky.

I make my way over to him and stand beside him and look up as well.

A beautiful sky, with big, puffy clouds and us.

A short punk boy and a beautiful, boy that holds the world in his palm.

Might be a while until i update again... my phone service is getting shut off, and i may be switching to a new service provider ♡

Im sorry in advance, but wanted to let you guys know ♡♡


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