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I hear a whimper behind me and I turn my head to meet a certain pair of bright hazel eyes. Only now they are dull and brimmed with tears.

I quickly stand and get to my feet, and rush over to Gee, who still looks shocked about what Bert has said.

I lift his chin and brush the tears away gently, and put a small kiss on his forehead. He leans into my touch and buried his face in my chest.

"I'm sorry, Gee." He looks up at me confused, "About what he said. No one deserves to be treated like that..."

He just nods.

"Come on, I will walk you home."

"What about school?"

"We can just skip it." I say

"But I have art next period, can I stay for that and then we leave?"

"Of course, anything for you Gee." I smile at him, I would bend universes for him.

He smiled back and walks off to the art room. On the way, we walk side by side, he tells me he is working on a project and hopes to get it done by the end of the week or so. I nod, while he had art, I have music, I am writing some songs.. they aren't finished yet, but I also, hope to have them done by the end of the week.

We both arrive at the art room, I hug him and then we part ways, him going into the art room and me, walking down the hall and entering the music room.

I would bend universes for you,
I would take a bullet for you,
I would do anything for you,
Mon amour.

Damn right _yoigotasoulvoice_

Damn right _yoigotasoulvoice_

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Published: October 6th. 2016 1:40am

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