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The next day Gerard came to school, it only being his second day here, he was wearing all black. A black long sleeve shirt and black leggings, black combat boots, black bow in his hair, while it hung in his face, hiding it.

Which is most unfortunate, because he has such a gorgeous face. Unfairly so.

He saw me, but quickly averted his eyes away from me. I get it, I made fun of him, not really meaning too, in all honesty (mcr im not okay vibes).

I ran over to catch up with him as he ran past me, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, he slightly bumped into me, but quickly steadied himself, and looked at me through his fringe that hangs in front of his face.

"Frank, please let go!" He says. "I-if you do-don't, B-Bert, will see or find out,  a-about this, you can't touch me.  Please F-Frank."

I let him go and he rubs his wrist, his shirt sleeve rides up a bit, while he is doing so, and I see a large handprinted bruise on his wrist. My eyes widen, at the sight.

Did I do that?

"Gee, did, did I do that?" I ask him. "Did I make that mark on your wrist, just now."

His eyes get wide and look down at his wrist and he immediately pulls his shirt sleeve over his whole hand. He stares at the floor.


"Then who did?"

"My daddy."

Oh hhhheeeeelllll no.

This ends now.

Hey looked I updated...

I may not update soon

1. Because i am super busy with school and dance and just life in general

And 2. Because I am going to prewrite a lot of chapters, so then I can just update regularly, and im going to try to write all the way to the end, so I dont have to worry about updating all the time and i will be doing this to all of my other stories as well... :)

That is all for now ♡ sorry for the short chapter :(


Call Me Daddy {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now