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More Halloween stuffz, because I can huehue...

Chapter: "🎃🎃🎃🎃: Its Spoopy Time!!"
Halloween Day: Party Time

So here is Halloween, wow its my birthday!

But noooo, everyone is too busy with their free candy, and spoopy shit to even notice.

Oh, well, I will party by myself. Oh and with Gee, he knows.

I am excited to see what Gee surprise is and what his Halloween costume is. I really can't wait.

Speaking of the sweet angel now...

Gee has just opened the front door of his house to let me in to the party, he is wearing a robe, but pulls me into a tight hug, and squeezes me really tight.

"Happy Birthday, Frankie!" Gee smiles, "19 years old wow! Im still only 17."

Aww, sweet baby geezus, he is such a cutie!

I hug him back, "Thank you, Gee, you remembering, is an amazing gift in itself."

We release from the hig, but hold on to each others arms.

"Well of course I remembered, you mean a lot to me, so I remembered and I have a gift AANNDD a surprise for you." Gee says, "But the surprise, is for later.." He leans forward, and whispers in my ear. "When we are alone."

(I am currently writing this in my health class... just saying)

I feel a blush start to creep up my cheeks, as I turn my head away, but Gee catches it anyway.

Taking a small, slender (a/n: MAN!) Finger and poking my cheek, then giggling cutely, before kissing my cheek and walking to the kitchen. I blush even darker and follow after Gee.

Once I get to the kitchen, I see Gee talking to several other people, some I recognize and some I don't.

Pete and Patrick come up to me and say Happy Birthday and then continue their conversation with Gee.

Gee looked at me briefly, but then continued on with his conversation.

I walked across the kitchen and to the fridge and opened it, grabbing a can of pepsi.

I walk back over to Gee, and stand really close to him, like shoulder to shoulder close.

I gently lean into his shoulder, Gee looks at me and smiles and leans back with equal weight.

I smile and turn away. *cancer vibes*

Gee looks up at me, "Hey, Frank, If you could get me a drink, of water, cause my lips are kinda chapped, ya know the October, into November air, is kinda rough."

I nod and go across the kitchen and glab a glass and fill it with ice and water, then head back over to Gee and hand him a cup.

He smiles and says thank you, then continues his conversation with emo eyeliner boy and fedora man.

Soon the door flies open and a tall teenager with black hair, and a waistcoat?, comes in and yells, "Brendon the Gay, Party king, is HHHEERRREE!"

and behind him came a slightly shorter teen, with brown hair and brown eyes, and eyeliner comes and says, "Brendon, not here."

But Brendon spins around and glares behind the teen. He marches over to the door and slams it shut, then yells again "RYAN! HAVEN'T YOU EVER HEARD OF CLOSING A GODDAMNED DOOR?!"

"Well, I didnt have time, from you marching in like a black fucking emo parade and, and then screaming and causing a scene."

Brendon sighs, "Im sorry, babe, I will tone it down for you, but not in bed."

Ryan blushes and nods shyly.

The pair walk over to us and I am back to leaning into Gee, and he is leaning on me, with his head on my shoulder.

This is normal best friend behavior. Right?
*Donald Trump, "WRONG!"*

*a/n: please no political arguments in the comments, we all know that we are here for the gayness*

We all soon engage into a conversation, after all of the awkward introductions, Ryan eyed me and Gee, like he knows whats going on.

Strange, I bet the think eyeliner told him.

After a while, the new and improved Mikey, came in, holding out a phone to Gee.

"Hey, Gee, Aunt Marie called."


So many puns lol

Sorry it has been a while but I am writing this while doing school rn lol


You guys will love the next couple chapters i have them planned, im so excited!!!!

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