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A/n: whats up?

"But please, Call me Daddy."

Gee, nods and blushes a vibrant shade of red, and then drops his gaze to the ground.

Ooh, does someone have a daddy kink?

"Well would you like to go in?" I ask him, he quickly shakes his head. "Well what would you like to do."

He shrugs, "What's the matter, why won't you go in?" I ask.

"They'll make fun of me." He whispers.


"Because I dress like a girl even though I'm not one and never will be one, and because I'm too fat or because I'm not pretty or handsome or whatever." He mumbles looking at the floor.

"Who told you those things?" I ask him, I will gladly pummel some dweebs.

"My daddy." He whispers and continues to look at the floor.


Oh oh oooohh..

Total Daddy kink and I was being an a.ss about it. Great.

Now I feel like a tool.

"Well who is your daddy?"

"Berty McCrackalacken."

Oops sorry.... scratch that...

"Bert McCracken."

Oh god, not Bert. He is big and tough and greasy and ew *shudders* no keep that away from me.

"But he is really mean to me, but i-im fine, you dont have to worry about it, its not your problem." He says, wiping his eyes from any tears threatening to spill, and straightening his skirt out, and getting his voice above a whisper and more confident.
"But why would you care, you're Frank Iero, high school play boy, and top dog, don't speak to me again. I dont need your pity or you mocking me and the things I like."

He says and struts over to the door, opening it and waltzing inside. Introducing himself with so much sass, the world might explode.

I didn't see him after class, he rushed off, but I caught a glimpse of him at lunch. He was sitting with Bert, Bert has his arm slung over Gerards shoulder, while he stuffed his face and Gee just sat there and watched. Bert and his gang were laughing and making jokes, Gerard looked miserable. Soon Bert arms dropped off of Gee's shoulders and lifted up Gee's skirt a little bit, not a lot, but enough for me to know he is wearing black, see through lacey panties.

He reached up Gee's skirt and must of grabbed him or something because Gerard soon grabs his hand and takes it out of his skirt, pulling it down and standing up, before heading to leave the cafeteria, with Bert calling after him with 'Baby', 'Sweetheart', 'Doll'.

None of these were stopping him as he weaved his way through the cafeteria.

"Kitten." Gerard stopped dead in his tracks, shoulders visably raising up and down at a fast pace. Slowly, Gerard turned around, Bert was smirking, he knew what he could say to control Gee and what he did. He truly had the power over Gerard, and it was sickening to me.

Gerard turned back around and left the cafeteria, only for Bert to stand up and bust out of there as well, pushing people out of his way and flipping peoples trays.

He was mad. And Gee is going to get it. I am 100 and 10 million percent scared about what will happen.

Neither of them came back for the rest if lunch, but Bert showed up for the classes, looking sweaty and his hair messed up, more then usual. But Gerard wasnt seen for the rest of the day.

A/N: sorry that took so long, I have been working on my other fics and wasnt really motivated to work on this one, but now i do and am writing a bunch, so hopefully i wont keep you waiting for too long again ♡


636 words

Posted on: Aug 10, 2016


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