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After I catch up with the new kid, who had practically hypnotized everyone and everything in this school, in a matter of seconds of being here, I even saw some teachers do a double take.

Because with this kid, you are basically forced to do one or three, depending on how far in the closet you are.

Pete Wentz.

My god that football jock, was so far in the closet, I bet he could find Narnia or is possibly already there.

Say Hi to Aslan for me Pete.

"What's your first class?" I ask him, I still don't know his name, "Would I like to learn your name..."

Im trying to be casual about it, with out being like, 'er hoi! Im erh froinks and i wants to bang you becuz ur so puuurrrttyy and i need ur name because ur so adorbs'

Ew no.

He quickly hands me a paper, that has his name and schedule on it.

Hm, okay same classes and his name is Gerard Arthur Way.


"Okay, so we have all the same classes, so just follow me." I say with a flash of my smile, no one can resist my perfect smiles.

No one.

It's irresistible.

*insert FOB references here*

He gives a weak smile back and raises his eyebrows at me, as if saying, well go, lead the way.

Soon we are walking down the hall and I hand him his schedule back, and then Peter Wentz, himself is barreling towards us, Gerard instantly hides behind me as Pete stops in front of me.

Pete bends to the side to look around me and at Gerard. Then stands straight up, and raises his eyebrows in confusion, I shrug.

I don't know why he is hiding behind me.

I just met him.

I feel shivers go down my spine, when I feel a pair of hands on my back.

I turn around quickly to see Gerard, quickly pull his arms away and put them behind him, almost submissive like.

Hmm. Okay.

I may see whats going on here

I cross my arms and give a stern look, and I see him automatically shrink and lower his gaze to the floor, I might have also heard a whimper, but I'm not going to ask.

Especially in front of Pete.

I turn back around to Pete, who once again silently questions me and Gerard and I just shrug again because I honestly have no idea, but I may have a clue.

Call me Carmen SanDiego or Nancy Drew because this mystery is getting solved.

Or don't, because that's weird.

Because like I said

I am Frank Fucking Iero

Dont wear it out.

"Where are you going?" Pete asks. As I eye the clock and realize we are going to be late, if we don't get a move on.

I grab Gerards wrist and drag him down the hall a little ways, before turning around to yell at Pete, "Straight to hell!" And then I continue to basically drag Gerard down the hall, until we reach our destination.

I stop outside the door, that is closed and look at Gerard and drop his arm that I have, basically been clutching on to, He doesn't seem to notice that we are here,

He almost seems to be day dreaming or in some kind of trance. I am not one hundred percent sure, but I wave my hand in front of his face, slowly at first and when that didn't work, I shook it a little faster.

Finally he looks up at me (Frank is taller in this), and meets my eyes, before blushing and turning away to examine his wear abouts. He, then, looks back up at me, for some kind of explanation, I bet.

"Oh, Well here we are, Math Class, with Mr. Blaze, in room 420, First Period." I tell him

He nods.

"Well, are we going to go in, Gerard?"

He visibly shrink before quietly saying, "Please, Call me Gee."

I smirk, okay sure, let's see how far he will go, right away...

"Okay, Gee..." I tell him, "I'm Frank...but please"

I continue and he looks up from the floor to meet my eyes.

"Call me Daddy."

A/n: unedited, please comment any errors ♡

Chapter posted on Aug 2, 2016

719 words

Call Me Daddy {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now