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One week later:

"Ahh" Gee moaned as he panted harshly.

"I can't, I can't, g-go any longer." He whines, I smirk.

"Come on Gee Baby, just a little longer, almost there." I say, while panting, I grip is waist to keep him steady.

Gee pulls up, "Ahh U-ugh" he moans, "I c-cant"

"Come on, a little more." By now I was holding him up to keep him steady and awake.

"I-im going to pass o-out" Gee pulls up again, "Ugh, A-aah"

"1 more"

"I cant" he pants

"Yes you can." I lift him up higher and he does his last chin up.

We are currently in P.E, and we had to do 50 chin ups, poor Gee is about to pass out.

Oops, spoke to soon, he did, he is laying, fast asleep across a bench.

Oh well, bell is about to ring anyway.

Once it rings, I pick up Gee and carry him piggy back style and carry him to the locker room, I poke him awake and he sleepily undresses and gets in one of the showers and I do the same, we talked to each other during our showers, as the showers were open showers and we were standing next to each other.

Nothing weird about it, just two friends talking in the shower.

Nope, definitely nothing wierd about it.

Since Gym or P.E was our last period of the school day, we got dressed and went to Gees housr, today I am helping Mikey get some style.

(Imagine bullets or revenge mikey, that is the mikey he is right now)

Once at his house, Gee goes to the kitchen to make snacks and food because all of us are hungry, Mikey is already home, because of his long legs he must walk real fast, or something i dont know.

Mikey leads me to his room and opens his closet and dresser, nope all of this has to go.

Frankie Fashionista iz in the hiz houze and Mikey McWobbleknees is my next victim of fabulousness.

Mmhhmm you go gurl.

Sorry about the small chapter, especially after the super long one last time, but if I write smaller chapters i can update more often :) ;)

I hope you understand

And NO there is not going to be frikey or waycest...

Thats gross, at least to me...

Frank is just being nice to Mikey. So he can have some more confidence and can feel good about himself, because i think everyone deserves that, and to have that feeling

And Gerard is just bragging about how great Mikey is, i think every sibling brags about there siblings at least once, i know i do, even though i hate there guts 90% of the time lol

All for now

I will update my art book soon ♡ and my other ones as well,  I'm sorry just so busy. Its nutcraker season and my ballet academy does nutcraker every year and is one of the top 5 in the country, so its a very big deal lol ♡♡♡

Hope you understand ♡☆


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