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The next day Gee called me and he sounded awful, but I guess that makes the two of us.


After awhile at the park, Gee tripped and feel into the stream, and pulled me in with him,  it was so cold and then we continued to play and splash each other with water.

It was a lot of fun, until we had to get out and walk to my house, there i ran Gee a warm bath, and made him some hot chocolate while he was in the bath, probably defrosting himself.

Once he came out of the bathroom, he only had a towel wrapped around his waist and was still shivering, so I dragged him to my bedroom, set some clothes out for him on my bed and left the room, to allow him to get dressed in privacy.

I know the clothes were going to be big on him, after all I am taller and have a more masculine body type, and Gee is shorter, smaller and have a more feminine type of body.

But he is perfect, to me.

He comes out, in the boxers and Tshirt I gave him.

"What happened to the shorts?"

"There were too big, fell off my waist, so couldn't really wear them."

"Oh, okay, do you want me to find another pair for you?" I asked, "Your clothes are in the washer right now and I will put the in the dryer soon."

He shook (im shook *sorry im such a meme) his head, "No, I'm fine, anyone else then I would say yes, but I'm comfortable around you."

He smiles, I return a smile back and turn back to the counter to finish the hot chocolate, and to hide my blush.

He comes up behind me and hugs my waist, "You're a good person Frankie, you just have a tough exterior."

I smile and lean in to his arms a little more, enjoying his warmth.

"You're so warm" I laugh

"Nuh uh, Frankie, you are sooooooo warm, could stay like this allllllll day." He turns his head to look out of the window, "Or night." He giggles.

"Okay well the hot chocolate is done, so here you go." I say trying to turn around and hand him a cup, but his vice like grip is preventing me from doing so

He giggles, and I sigh.

"Fine" I say before I take both mugs and start to walk to the kitchen table, with Gee still attached to me like a koala bear.

He is a giggling mess and i feel hos smile on my back, once I get to the table, I set the drinks down and walk over to a seat, and sit down, on Gee.

"Ahhhhh come on, you are so heavy."

"Hmm, good to know."

"Pwease get off me Frwankie, pwease"

I turn to look at his face and his eyes are into a full puppy dog pout.

Cant resist that, I love dogs, like looovvee them.

I get off of him and give him his hot cocoa, and we drink up :)

--flashback-ish, is now over--

He said he was sick in bed, so I quickly pulled on my shoes and rushed over to his house.

I got to his house and opened the door, there was wobble knees, on the couch staring at me.

"H-hey" I gulped, he is wearing the best poker face I have ever seen, "I'm Frank, and I am here to take care of Gee."

His poker face melts and he smirks? Smiles? "Oh, you are the great Frank, that Gee, wont shut up about" He stands up and walks to me.

*walk walk walk, wobble, walk, wobble knees*

He sticks out his hand, "I am Mikey, Gees brother."

I skake his hand, "Well hello Mikey, I didnt know Gee had a brother"

"Yeah, he does that for my protection, because Gee crossdresses, as you know, and at our other schools, they would bully me as well as him, because they didnt like it or whatever reason they had. But Gee, when we moved here, told me he wasnt going to drag me into any of that, so he told me to pretend we werent brothers at school, it was hard at first."

"Oh wow, it makes sense though, Gee is really protective of his friends and things he likes or loves, so I am glad that he protects his brother."

He gives me a smile, "well Gee is upstairs is his room, soup is on the stove, should be done by now, bowl are in the right cupboard and spoons are clean in the dishwasher."

"Thank you" i nod, and walk to the kitchen.

I pour some soup in the bowl and grab a spoon, and take it upstairs, his door open, so I know which room is his, i set the bowl on his nightstand and gently poke Gee in the cheek, to wake him up.

He opens his beautiful eyes and smiles wjen he sees me, I hug him and he returns the hug, but as I pull away, he puts a hand on my forehead, to feel my temperature.

"Awe, Frankie you are sick too, you dont have to take care of me."

"Yes I do, what are friends for, if i cant take care of you" i smile, but i didn't miss the way his face fell slightly.

"I brought you some soup, your brother made it, he seems like a cool guy."

"Mikey? Oh yeah, he is an amazing guy, just need a better sense of fashion, but not from me, i suck at masculine fashion."

I chuckle, "I could help him."

"You would do that?"

"Oh course, I would do anything to help you or your brother."

He smiles and scooches over and pats the empty side of the bed, I hesitate and then slide into the bed.

"We are both sick, so we can both take care of each other and nap the day, or even week away."

I smile and he giggles, and soon we both drift off, unknowing that we are all wrapped up with each other, cuddling and there is a certain younger brother with a camera.

Woooo 1040 words!

Next part up soon:)

Will probably do it like this



And continue on like that, unless i change my mind lol

Unedited  lol comment if there are any mistakes


Published: October 13, 2016 12:59pm

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