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Okay, but I literally changed my profile pictures for the first time, since i have made this account lol, and I made them festive because why the fuck not, even though i love spoopy season more than stuff yourself so full you barf season and greedy get new shit season combined, i am always a hoe for MCR edits...

Re-edit a/n: Just kidding, I think I have changed my pictures at least 50 times before I settled on what i have now...

It probably wont stay that way... lol

Anywhore, here is the chapter you all have been waiting for, for like 20 chapters lol

Im not even sorry, i was reading this one fic and it was literally 40 chapters *over 3k words each chapter* before frank and gerard even kissed and then right after that, the book got discontinued and deleted and i was like what the fuck.

Any whore. Back to topic....

"Bedroom?" I ask while panting.

"Bedroom." He nods, while blushing even deeper.

As soon as we got to his bedroom, our lips are crashing together and we are panting, as we are both grabbing at each others clothes in a strange frenzy.

I quickly slip his shirt off, as he does the same to me.

I run my hands down his smooth chest as he hooks his arms around my neck.

I push him against the door, using my body to press into him.

I pull away from the kiss, to trail kisses down his neck, and chest, as he lets out small moans and whines.

I kiss all the way down to his skirts waistband, and look up at him, to make sure that its okay, he nods and I gently and slowly pull his skirt down, and he steps out of it. (Consent, kids, is #1 :D)

I run my hands up his legs, over his hips and is chest, his head is thrown back against the door. I place wet, open kisses up his neck, leading back to his lips, where they are pressed against mine and my tongue goes into his mouth, immediately gaining dominance.

He pulls away, panting.

He whispers in my ear, "I want you."

I moan out, loudly, picking him up and wrapping his legs around my waist, before walking over to the bed and laying him down gently.

I quickly take off my pants and look at Gee, who is all spread out on the bed, just for me.

His pale, gorgeous skin and his black sexy lace panties and garter belt, as well as some black thigh highs.

He blushes and looks away and tries to cover himself up as I look at his beautiful self.

I pull his hands away from where he had covered his chest.

"Stop covering yourself up." I say, while smiling at him gently, "You're beautiful."

He smiles, and I lean down and capture his lips with mine. I run my hands down his body and slip off his panties and throw them across the room.

I get off of him and the bed, and take off my boxers, and step out of them.

I climb back on Gee, while I take my time to mark his neck and chest, as well as his very prominent hip bones, once im done making at least 10 or so marks on his body, I hover over him as I take my time to strip him of the rest of his clothes.

Soon, we are both naked, I push one of my fingers inside of Gee, and he moans loudly, I gently start to move it, in and out, and soon he is begging for more.

This continues until I have 4 fingers inside him, stretching him open, I take them out, as he whines for more,  I put a condom on and lube myself up, before I start to slowly push into Gee.

He moans loudly, as I bottom out and do my best to not move (666) right away. Soon he nods and whisper-moans "move".

And who am I to argue?

I pull out and push back in, and set a steady and somewhat slow pace, but he starts whining and saying things like 'harder' and 'faster', so I quickly oblige.

All to soon I feel my orgasm creeping up, "I'm, ah! I'm about to, *pants* cum." I tell him. He nods in reply, as he can not speak due to panting and moaning underneath me.

Soon he comes on his chest and almost right after that, I come inside of him.

I continue to thrust into him, to ride out our orgasms, and he soon whines due to oversensitivity, so I pull out, tie off the condom and throw it away. I come back and clean off Gee's stomach and chest, as well as his thighs, with a wet wash cloth, and then I clean off myself as well.

Then, I pull off the top blanket on the bed, and pull it out from under Gee and roll it up into a ball and throw it onto the floor, and throw the wash cloth on top of it, so I can put them in the washer later.

I then tuck Gee in and climb in beside him, and I soon drift to sleep.

Aye, I am sad to say this story is coming to an end soon, In about 3-4 chapters.

This has been a wild ride, and I love ya all ♡

Unedited, but what else would you expect from me lol


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