Smut Scene from ◇

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"Thats right, Call me Daddy."

I carry him to the bedroom and set him gently on the bed, and hover over him.

I caress his cheek gently and kiss his forehead. "You ready, baby boy?" O ask him softly.

He nods, and whispers, "Yes, Daddy."

Even though we are the only two in the house at the moment everything so far has been slow, soft and quiet.

I kiss his lips gently and start to move down his jaw line and neck, pulling away to pull his shirt over his head. I continue to kiss down his chest and when I reach his waistband, I look up for his permission, he nods and I slowly slip his skirt off, leaving his panties on.

I take off my shirt and jeans as well, so we are equally exposed, It is just the nice thing to do.

I suck gently on one of his hipbones, leaving a mark, and start to travel down his leg to the inside of his thigh. I leave a line of hickeys on the inside of his thigh. I do the same to the other thigh, and suck gently on his other hipbone. I earned some delicious sounding moans, whines and whimpers from him and I love it.

Even though we have had sex several time before, it always felt like the first time.


I slide off his panties and then my boxers, and climb on top of him.

Gee whines and grasps at my sides.

"Please, Fra-Daddy, I need you" He whines, and then moans when I lick up stomach and add a line of hickeys on his flat tummy. He has chubby sides that I love to grip and hold so much, but his tummy is pretty flat, like that really matters, I love him, and I would still love him no matter what.

I haven't told him yet, that I love him, not like a friend, or best friend or brother, but like my other half, my significant other, my boyfriend and hopefully husband someday.

Look what Gee has done to me.

Turned me into a pastel loving, soft hearted, stuffy buying bastard. And I love it.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

After I rubber up (A/N: SUIT UP) and lube up, I dont need to prep Gee, because we had sex this morning, and morning sex is the best, because its slow and lazy. (a/n: i will probably write about that later ;) ), I slowly push into him, he lets out a choked moan, when I finally bottom out, as I let out a groan. He grips my shoulders, and leaves scratch marks down my back, as I grip firmly onto his hips, so tight to probably leave bruises, I always feel bad about it the next day, but Gee just always says 'I like it when you leave marks on me, Daddy'.

After a moment of hesitation, Gee nods letting me know that I can move, so I slowly pull out and push back in.

He lets out a gasp, and I pull out again and push in at a different angle, trying to find his sweet spot. I continue to do this until...


I smirk, at his outburst, knowing full well that his brother is in his room down the hall. (A/n: poor moikes)

"Okay, baby boy, but you need to be quiet, your brother is home too"

"F-fuck" he replies loudly, as he moans loudly once more.

I gasp, and stop my movement, he whines and tries to desperately push against me.

"Please move, Daddy." He whines loudly.

Call Me Daddy {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now