What Sexiness Is All About

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Everybody had the same exact instinct, to go train right away. So almost every training field I went to, somebody had already preoccupied it. Eventually, I had decided it would be best to find a clearing and claim it as my territory. Apparently, people's houses are not public territory. I had learned that the hard way by being chased off a roof.

"Tch, people should make it more obvious that roofs are not for the public." Defensively, I said to myself and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Tch, stupid people like you piss me off." Grumpily, a voice said behind me and I quickly turned around to see Kankuro again.

"Tch, smart people like you make me want to sacrifice my menstrual blood." Snobbily, I said and Kankuro had horror all over his face. "Wait, people do not say that. Here, tch, smart people like you make me want to learn how to apply make up."

"That was not an insult." Kankuro said with an unamused face.

"Your face is." I replied, and high fived myself in victory.

"Hey-Did you just high five yourself?" He asked me, and then buried his face in his hands. "Do not reply, I already know the answer."

"So what are you doing here and not training?" Curiously, I asked him with a raised eye brow. "Meeting a special man?"

"Stop saying stupid things like that!" He exclaimed and bonked my head. I yelped and began to rub the bump. While I was rubbing it, Kankuro talked more. "Everybody is taking a field and I have yet to find one. I take it that is why you are here too, and also on people's roofs."

"I didn't know that wasn't for the public!" Childishly, I exclaimed and crossed my arms over my chest again.

"Even children know that roofs are private property!" Kankuro exclaimed at me, and face palmed. "I forgot that you know less than a child."

"You know, you never denied the man date." I pointed out, and got bonked on the head again. "Ow! It's considered hospitality to not hit your guests.

Kankuro snorted at me, then replied. "I don't need hospitality."

"You just need your man with you." I said, and got bonked even harder.

"STOP IT WITH THE STUPID JOKES!" Angrily, Kankuor yelled and I put my hands up in defeat.

"Okay, you win! I need as many brain cells as I can have, and you hitting me is definitely not going to help." Childishly, I said and stuck my tongue out at him.

"You are right, a stupid person can't help but say stupid things." He said to himself cockily with a smirk.

"Heck yeah I'm stupid! I thought this was just a fact of life. Obviously, you are stupid too since you say stupid things also. Besides, I have my sexiness to help me with what I say." Confidently, I said and stroke a pose. An anime vein formed on Kankuro's head and he bonked my head.

"Baka! I am not stupid, I am probably one of the strongest and most smart ninjas you could possibly ever meet." Cockily, Kankuro said and opened his mouth to speak again, but I cut him off.

"You forgot to add the biggest liar." Bluntly, I said and Kankuro's anime vein got even bigger. He then smacked me the hardest he had ever smacked me before. "Ow!"

"Baka." Grumpily, he said to me and crossed his arms over his chest. "You call yourself a sexy beast?" He then snorted, and continued. "You don't have the looks of a sexy beast." My eyes widened in shock at the very little knowledge Kankuro had.

"Sexiness is not about looks, it is all about personality!" Boldly, I exclaimed and stood tall. "When you are a sexy beast, you look out for your fellow sexy beasts. You may also help others realize their inner sexy beast. Looks simply have nothing to do with being a sexy beast."

"That was probably the most intelligent thing I have heard you say. Even though a flea with half a brain cell could say that also." Kankuro said to me with a smirk on his face. Even though he insulted me in that, I knew there was a compliment some where in there.

"So, can you show me a place where I could train? I have a feeling that all the other fields will be taken and the roofs are still off limits. Remember, you would be the one who had to explain to the civilians why their roof became a training area, if you don't show me a place." I said, and grinned mischievously. Kankuro sighed and buried his face in his palms.

"Follow me, baka." He said in defeat and began walking, I followed him behind. After a while of silence, I decided to talk.

"Remember our first date?" Flirtatiously, I asked Kankuro with wiggling eye brows.

"We had no date." Angrily, he snarled out and I grinned.

"It was at Ichiraku ramen." I said, and grinned even more. "If I recall, there was ramen involved."

"It was not a date!" Kankuro groaned out, and I continued to grin.

"One of us ended up being felt up by the end of the date though, and it wasn't me." I pointed out, and Kankuro stopped to turn around.

"That was not me." Angrily, he said to me with an anime vein.

"Hmm, I wonder who I did feel up then." I said to myself and put a finger on my chin in wonder. Kankuro just sighed and continued to lead me throughout the village. After a while of talking, Kankuro had learned how to ignore me. So it worked out for both of us somehow. I could continue rambling on about nothing, and he would not have to listen to me.

"Okay, here is where you can train." Kankuro said to me, and I looked around. It was shocking that there were a few trees around the area. "Not many people come here that often, so you should be fine with this area."

"So you're going to find an area for you to train then?" Curiously, I asked him with a raised eye brow.

"Hell yeah. No way I am going to stay here with you." He said to me and began to walk away.

"Not even for a sparring match?" I asked him, and he stopped.

"No way you can beat me." Cockily, Kankuro snorted out and I grinned more.

"Then spar with me to prove it." Confidently, I said and pulled a kunai out of my pouch. "Unless your man date is that important. I understand that when you love a guy very much, you just want to be ins-near him all the time."

"Tch, baka. I told you not to say stupid stuff like that." Angrily, he said and then turned around. "Okay, just don't cry too hard when I beat you." He said with a cocky grin on his face.

"We'll see who cries after sex." I said, and confusion went across Kankuro's face. He opened his mouth to speak, but I spoke up. "HUZZAH!" I charged at him with a kunai in hand.

Kankuro had no idea what I had up my sleeve.


Me: I hope you guys liked it! I know that there has just been a tit load of Kankuro in my story lately, but it's just so much fun to write about them going back and forth. It just easily comes to mind. (:

Rock Lee: A youthful spar is the next chapter?

Me: Fo shizzle! It's about time some action happened in this.


Me: Not sexual action, and you get no action whatsoever. cx

Mika: Just let me imagine! -anime cries and runs away-

How's school been? It's been a few months into school, and I wanna know how it's been going for you guys. (: Have a wonderful day and know that you're important! Farewell! c:

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