Lucas's Doubts

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*It's 8 days before Christmas Eve and Lucas is in Texas for Christmas and is about to open Maya's secret Santa gift.*

Lucas pulls the tissue paper out of the gift bag and peers into it curious about what's inside. At the bottom of the bag lies a small bull figurine. Lucas holds it up and smiles at the thought and joke behind the small bull.

*After a while Pappy Joe wondered where Lucas had gone so he went to Lucas's room to see if he was there and he was*

"You're missing a lot of fun out there with the rest of the family." Pappy Joe says as he sits next to Lucas on the bed

"Sorry I just got distracted by this." Lucas said handing the bull to Pappy Joe

"Where'd you get this?" Pappy Joe asked

"From Maya. We did a secret Santa thing and she got me this."

"Yeah?" He asked handing it back

"Yeah I thought it was sweet for her to get me this."


"And what?"

"Lucas I can see that something's bothering you, just tell me."

"I think I made a mistake, picking Riley."


"Because... Because I think I'm falling for Maya!"


"What do you mean 'Why'?"

"Why do you think you're falling for her?"

"Because I want her to be happy and that's why I let her pick on me, because it's cute and it makes her smile. That's why I could never hurt her, because she's already been hurt too many times and I just want to see her smile. Whenever she smiles I smile because I love it when she looks happy. I... I love her." Lucas pauses, then says "I gotta go."

"Go where?"

"I've got to go find Maya."

"She's in New York, you're in Texas!"

"Who's gonna stop me?"

"Not me if you can figure out a way." Pappy Joe said

Lucas grabbed his laptop and Pappy Joe left the room. Lucas started looking at flights, trains, even buses, but he finally found a flight leaving on Christmas Eve from Texas to New York, the arrival time was 10:30 pm but Lucas didn't care. He bought the ticket. Now he just needed to figure out what he was going to say to Maya.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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