Maya's Date

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*it's 7 days till Christmas Eve and Maya is getting ready for a date*

Maya's phone dings. It's a text from Caleb.
*I'm on my way over*
Maya smiles. She really does like him, but not as much as she likes Lucas. She had finished curling her hair, and was almost done with her makeup. She's wearing a black dress and black heels, because Caleb wants to take her on a "proper date" as he put it.

*About 10-15 minutes pass*

Maya's phone dings. It's Caleb again.
*I'm here.*
Maya hears the buzzer and hurries to it.
"Hey." Maya says.
"Hey, buzz me up." Caleb replies.
"Ok." Maya says.
Maya buzzes Caleb up.

*5 minutes later*

There's knock at the door. Maya hurries to the door, and opens it. Caleb is stunned by the sight of Maya.
"Wow!" Caleb says in amazement.
"You look beautiful." He says starting at her.
"Thanks." Maya says smiling and blushing.
"You look good too." She says.
"Thanks. So are you ready to go?" Caleb asks.
"Yeah just let me get my coat." Maya says walking over to her coat. When she picks it up an envelope falls to the floor. She crouches down to pick it up. She turns it over and reads, "To: Maya From: Lucas" Maya stands there for a minute holding it.
"Everything alright?" Caleb asked.
"Um... Yeah," Maya says putting the card on the counter, "let's go." Maya walks toward the door putting her coat on. Caleb offers his arm to her and she takes it.
"So where are me going?" Maya asks.
"It's a surprise." Caleb says with a sly smile.

*After riding in the car for a while Caleb pulls up to a fancy looking restaurant.*

"Wow," Maya says, "this looks expensive."
"It is." Caleb says.
"What!" Maya says. "Caleb you don't need to..."
"I like you Maya," Caleb interrupts, "and I want to treat you right. I wan to take you to fancy dinners and buy you expensive things."
"But you don't have to, I'd be fine just getting a hamburger at a diner." Maya says.
"I know you would but I want to treat you to a nice dinner." He says then gets out, goes around the car, opens the door and puts his hand out to help her out of the car. "Come on." He says.
Maya knowing he wouldn't give in and not wanting to ruin their date said "Ok." She takes his hand, gets out and they walk inside.

*After about an hour or more of talking, laughing, and eating, it's time for them to leave.*

They walk back to the car and Caleb opens the door for Maya. They talk some more on the way back to Maya's apartment. They step off the elevator and walk to Maya's door.
"I had a really good time tonight." Maya said smiling.
"See I told you." Caleb said
"Ok, ok, you were right. But next time hamburgers." She says
"Ok, deal." He says
There's a moment of silence and Caleb looks at Maya with an unwavering stare. "Is he about to kiss me?" She says to her self. He starts to slowly lean in. "HE IS GOING TO KISS ME! What do I do? Do I kiss him? Do I not?" Before she could answer herself something in her made her put her hand on his chest and stop him. He opens his eyes with a confused look on his face.
"I really like you Caleb but this is our first date and I don't think I'm ready to kiss you yet. I'm sorry." She says
"It's ok I completely understand." Caleb says
"You do?" Maya asks.
"Yeah." He says
"Thanks. Well good night." She says opening her door.
"Good night." He says.
Maya closes the door and leans against it smacking her hands over her eyes in embarrassment. She walks over to the bar on the kitchen counter and sits on one of the bar stools.
"Why did I do that?!" She yells out loud to her self. Her mom is out of town for a few days so she can be as loud as she wants, without bothering the neighbors.
"Why didn't I let him kiss me!? Oh my gosh I'm so stupid! UGH!!!" She yells throwing her head onto her folded arms on the counter. As she lifts her head she sees Lucas' card. Part of her knows that's why she didn't let Caleb kiss her, because she still likes Lucas, but she refused to accept that. She picked the card up and threw it like a frisbee. She didn't see where it landed. After a few minutes she gets up and goes in her room. She puts her pjs on and tried to go to sleep but all she could think about was Lucas. Having enough of it she sits up, throws the covers off her legs and gets up to go find his card that she threw. She walks out of her room and in to the living room. She starts searching all over for the card. After almost an hour she finds the card under the couch. She goes back to her room sits on her bed. And she opens the envelope.

To Be Continued...

Thanks for reading. Sorry if this chapter was too long and sorry that it took me so long to post it. Instead of going back to Lucas in the next chapter, it's going to be about Maya reading the card. Then the chapter after that will go back to Lucas. Thank you again for reading, I hope you liked it.

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