Maya's Plans

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*Christmas Eve 6:45 pm*

Maya sets out a bowl of popcorn and is adjusting the pillows on the couch. She had made plans with Caleb to watch Christmas movies since her mom wouldn't be getting back until late (11:30-12:00). Just then she heard the buzzer.

~~Hey it's me.~~
~~Hey. Come on up.~~

Maya was really excited but she didn't know why. 5 minutes later she heard knocking on her door.
"Coming." She said. When she opened the door there was Caleb.
"Hey." He said giving her a quick hug.
"Hey." Maya said. "Come in." She said gesturing and taking his coat.
"Ok. So what are we watching?" Caleb asked.
"I've got all kinds of Christmas movies." Maya responded. "How about Home Alone?" She asked.
"Ah of course a classic." He says agreeing.
"And then we can watch a gushy Hallmark movie." Maya says jokingly.
"Hey those aren't all bad." Caleb says. They both laugh. Maya puts the movie in and sits down on the couch with Caleb. She grabs the popcorn and cozies up to Caleb and he puts his arm around her.

*(about) 2 hours later - 8:50*

"I forgot how good Home Alone was." Maya says.
"I know right? Classic." Caleb says.
"Since it's Christmas Eve, I'll give in and we'll watch a cheesy Hallmark movie." Maya said.
"Hey I don't care. We don't have to." Caleb said.
"Well now, thanks to you, all I can think about is a Candace Cameron movie." Maya replied.
"Whatever you want." Caleb said. They refilled their drinks, got more popcorn, and settled back in for another movie.

Two chapters in one day *gasp* it must be a miracle. Lol😂. Thanks for reading and please vote. I love you all for reading my story.

*The next chapter is really long so I'm going to wait a few days to post it.*

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