Maya's Choice

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*When we last left Maya, her and Lucas had kissed but Maya turned him down and went back into her apartment.*

Maya comes in the apartment and shuts the door behind her, shaking and a little out of breath. She has her back to Riley and Caleb so they don't see how distraught she is.

"Um... Maya? Is everything okay? We heard yelling." Riley asked very concerned. While she was was arguing with Lucas Maya had almost forgotten that Riley and Caleb were still in her apartment. Maya, still facing the door with her hands on it, turns her head to the side "How much did you hear?" She asked.

"Not a lot it was very muffled." Riley answered. Maya lets out a sigh of relief.

"It was nothing my neighbor is just weird... I guess." Maya says turning around and walking back to the couch.

"Are you sure everything's fine? You don't look like your fine." Riley says concerned.

"Yeah, are you okay Maya?" Caleb asks.

"I said I'm fine." Maya says a little annoyed. "Now... can we just watch the movie? Please?"

"Ok." Riley says, still not believing her. She picks up the remote and presses play.

*15 minutes later*

Maya can't focus on the movie, all she can think about is that kiss and how wonderful it was. She kept thinking about how weak it made her knees, how she felt in her toes, how much she wanted to do it again, how much she...[well I'm going to keep this PG]..., how much she loved him. So without thinking she jumped up with a shocked look on her face.

"Maya, are you ok?" Caleb asked. Maya didn't respond she just hurriedly walked to where her purse was hanging by the door, and picked it up.

"Maya, what are you doing?" Riley asked annoyed, confused, and worried all at once as Maya grabbed her coat and frantically put it on.

"I-I... I have to go." Maya said.

"Go where?" Riley asked, sick of Maya not telling her everything.

"I'll explain later, but I have to go right now." Maya says quickly, grabbing her phone.

"Maya, talk to me." Riley says desperately.

"I don't have time, I'm sorry." Maya says, shutting the door behind her. She runs to the elevator and spastically presses the down button. Finally the elevator doors open and she rushes inside and frantically presses the ground floor button. When the elevator doors open once again she runs out of the elevator, out of her building and right to the edge of the curb. She sticks her thumb and her index finger in her mouth and blows, making a loud whistling sound, and waves her arms at an upcoming taxi cab. The driver stops and Maya gets in.

"Where to?" The driver asks.

"LaGuardia." Maya says.

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