Lucas' Confession

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"What are you doing here? I thought you were in Texas." Maya says whisper yelling.
"I was, but..." he stops, he looks at her and his eyes light up and he tries to keep himself from smiling.
"But what?" Maya asks slightly annoyed.
"I had to come back." He says.
"Why?" Maya asks.
"Because I needed to tell you something..." he pauses to gather his words.
"What?" Maya asks whisper yelling and getting more annoyed.
"Maya, I... I..." he stutters, trying to get the courage to tell her.
"I, I what!?" Maya says mocking him. "Just spit it out already Huckleberry!"
"I love you!" He yells, pretty much throwing the long speech he had prepared out the window. Maya looks at him, she's speechless. She opens and shuts her mouth like she wants to say something but doesn't. She walks around Lucas to where she is now facing the direction of her apartment door, and he turns around to face her.
"Y... y... you... love me?" Maya asks breathing heavy as her heart is racing. She looks down at the floor.
"Yes. Maya I made a mistake at the ski lodge, I should've never picked Riley but-"
"But you did!" Maya looks back up at him mad but with tears slowly running down her cheeks. "You chose her! You had your chance to choose me, but you chose her." Maya says angrily, trying to choke everything back.
"You told me to choose her!" Lucas says.
"That didn't mean you had to do it! You could have said no you could have told me that you chose me, but you didn't!" Maya says still angrily crying.
"I realized that I made the wrong decision." Lucas said.
"Oh! And what's to stop you from changing your mind again!? Huh!?" Maya yells.
"Maya I want you no one else. I love you." Lucas says.
"Stop saying that! You don't love me! If you loved me you wouldn't be doing this!" Maya yells. Lucas hangs his head, he knew what she meant. "Riley is my best friend, Lucas. What am I supposed to do with this information? If I take you back she gets hurt, if I don't then she becomes the second choice, the one you settled for. Either way she'll get hurt."
"I wish there was a third option, Maya you have to believe me when I say that I never wanted to hurt her." Lucas says.
"But you are." Maya says gritting her teeth trying not to yell.
"I know, but I didn't want to." Lucas says.
"Then why are you here?" Maya asks getting angry again.
"Because it was killing me, Maya! Okay!? Everyday waking up knowing that I made the biggest mistake of my life! You see this?" Lucas asks unwrapping the bandages on his hand exposing bruised, beaten up knuckles.
"Oh my gosh Lucas what-"
"I did this after I found out you went on a date with someone else." He replies. "I was beating myself up every day knowing that I screwed up, knowing that I was going to hurt people in the process, people I care about." He says. Maya looks him in the eyes for what felt like forever, and started walking back to her apartment door.
"I'm not doing this right now?" She says heading for the door. Lucas grabs her arm, not tight enough to hurt her. She turns around.
"Doing what?" Lucas ask.
"This. You. Me. Us." Maya says slightly annoyed. Lucas lets go of her arm.
"What do you mean?" Lucas asks even more confused.
"Do you want the truth?" Maya asks.
"Yes." Lucas says.
"Okay, here's the truth... I love you. I can't stop thinking about you, you're in my head and I can't get you out. No matter what I try you're always there." Maya says mad, tears building up in her eyes. "But you chose Riley, you told her you loved her and there is no coming back from that."
She turns and takes about 2 steps toward her apartment before Lucas says "I didn't."
Maya stops, turns back around and says "What?"
"I didn't tell Riley that I love her." He says. Maya slowly walks back to him. "I told her I chose her, but I never told her that I loved her." They stare into each other's eyes. Maya wanted to say that this changed everything but she didn't.
"That doesn't matter." Maya says. Lucas could see in her eyes that she didn't mean that, and before she could turn all the way around he grabbed her hand. There was something like a spark or something, they were both a little surprised. They were silent for a second.
"Kiss me." Lucas said.
"What?" Maya asked, shocked.
"Just do it." Lucas said softly.
"Why?" Maya asked, confused.
"Because we both want to and we'll never know how we really feel until we do." Lucas says. Maya is still confused but before she can protest, he grabs her face with his right hand and kisses her. At first she almost resists but then she lets herself melt into to it. She kisses back, his arms around her waist, her hands holding his head. It was nothing like Maya or Lucas have felt before. They stopped, gasping for air.
"Wow." Lucas said. "That was uh..."
"A one time thing." Maya says walking away.
"What?" Lucas says confused, but she doesn't answer him she walks back in her apartment and shuts the door. Lucas knew that he felt something but thought that Maya didn't. He stands there waiting for her to come back out. Eventually he realized she's not coming back. Heartbroken, he walks slowly back to the elevator to go back to the cab. He kept thinking she was going to come back out, but once the elevator doors closed he realized she wasn't.


So did you guys like the chapter? It's my longest chapter yet with 975 words.
I kept my promise 2 chapters in 1 day so keep reading and voting cause the story is not over yet😏

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