Lucas' Heartbreak

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Lucas comes out of Maya's apartment building and heads for Sam's cab. Lucas gets in the back of the cab not saying a word.

"How'd it go?" Sam asks, when Lucas doesn't answer Sam looks in the rear view mirror and sees that Lucas is upset. "Back to the airport?" He asks sympathetic. Lucas nods weakly staring at his hands. Sam sighs and says "I'm really sorry kid... but at least now she knows."

"Yeah but I just made it worse." Lucas said quietly.

"Anything I can do?" Sam asks.

"Just take me to the airport." Lucas says. Sam pulls back onto the road and heads for the airport. Lucas looks out the window at Maya's building, fighting every urge to jump out of the cab and go back in there. He replays the kiss in his mind and can't believe that she didn't feel anything. He had kissed other girls before but those felt nothing like this one. He keeps replaying it to the point his heart starts hurting, and even then he can't stop.

"Hey Sam." Lucas says the sadness lingering in his voice.

"Yeah kid?" Sam asks.

"I need to make one more stop before the airport." Lucas says, pulling out the spiral notebook and pencil he'd put in his carry-on.

"Where to?" Sam asks. Lucas gives him the address

"Oh." Sam nods understandingly as if he knew exactly why. Lucas starts quickly writing on the blank piece of paper.

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