Maya's 2nd Date (part 2)

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*When we last left: Riley, Maya, Farkle, and Caleb were at the ice rink*

Maya and Farkle help Riley over to the bleachers, and set her down.
"You okay?" Maya asks.
"Yeah, I'm used to it." Riley said.
"Hey Maya, can I talk to you for a second?" Farkle asked.
"Uh yeah sure." She replied. "Hey Caleb can you watch her for a second?"
"Yeah." He said.
Maya and Farkle walk far enough away so that Riley and Caleb can't hear them.
"What are you doing?" Farkle asked in a lowered voice a little annoyed.
"What do you mean?" Maya asked confused, in a hushed voice.
"I thought you didn't like Caleb. I thought you were so in love with Lucas." Farkle said.
"I am!" She said in a muttered yell.
"Then why were you about to kiss Caleb?"
"I don't know! But it's not like I can be with Lucas right now considering he has a girlfriend and that his girlfriend is my best friend!"
"Maya you can't just lead this guy on."
"I'm not! I told him everything."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, and we made a deal that if I need to stop thinking about Lucas I can hang out with him and he can help me forget about Lucas."
P.S. I know the deal is kinda dumb but it's for the sake of the plot.
"You don't actually think that'll work do you?"
"I don't know, but it's working so far."
"It's not going to fix anything Maya! What are you going to do when Lucas gets back from Texas? Huh? Just avoid him? Not hang out with us when he's around? What?" Farkle asked in an angry/irritated/concerned tone.
"I don't know!" Maya replied in a hushed yell, "I'll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it." Maya said.
"Maya, you can't wait until Lucas comes back to decide how to deal with your feelings for him. You need to figure that out now." Farkle said.
"Farkle I love you, but this is my choice and this my life. If I mess it up then that's my fault." Maya said.
"No... it's not." Farkle said bluntly, "If you screw up your life it's not just your fault you're friends are as much to blame because they didn't stop you from doing it."
"That's a nice way of looking at things... but it's still my choice." Maya said. Farkle let out a huff as he went around her and headed back to Riley and Caleb. Maya stood there for a second, took a deep breath, turned around, put a smile on her face and walked back to the group.

Sorry it took so long and I'm sorry that it was so short but I didn't want to put too much in one chapter. Thanks for reading and please keep reading and voting.

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