Lucas' Flight

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*Time jump*
*Christmas Eve*

Maya has been going on "dates" with Caleb, against Farkle's advice. She's grown close to him and has actually developed feelings for him. They still haven't kissed yet, but they always come close.

Lucas has been so antsy waiting for Christmas Eve to come. He's had some help from Zay and Jenna about what to say, but can't figure out a way to not hurt Riley. With that he still can't wait any longer to tell Maya.

Lucas got to the airport at 6:15 even though his flight didn't leave until 7:00 (because you know... airports). He went through security and everything and was now waiting until it was time to board. As he waited he kept thinking about what to say to Maya. Then... it hit him. He finally figured out what to say when he saw her. By then it was time to board. Lucas got on the plane and went over in his head what he was going to say. Over and over and over again. At 9:32 he got a text from Riley. Lucas had been so happy practicing telling Maya how he felt that he had almost completely forgotten about Riley. When he saw the text his face dropped.

~Riley: Wyd?😊
~Lucas: Nothing. You?
~Riley: Nothing. Hey wanna ft?
~Lucas: I can't.
~Riley: Why not?☹️
~Lucas: Cause I can't.
~Riley: Lucas why are you acting so weird?
~Lucas: What do you mean?🤷🏼‍♂️
~Riley: Well you don't seem to want to talk to me, you avoid my calls, and when I talk about Maya you get weird.
~Lucas: I'm sorry I just haven't been myself the past few days.
~Riley: Why? What's wrong?
~Lucas: Nothing... I just need to rest a minute. I'll text you later.
~Riley: Ok, talk to you later.

After that Lucas drifted off to sleep.

Sorry it took so long and that it's so short but I wasn't sure if I liked it but here you go an actual new chapter. Thank you all for reading and voting.

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