Lucas' Talk

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*It's 5 days till Christmas Eve and Lucas is laying in bed starting at the ceiling*

Lucas' mind is racing with all the different ways he wants to tell Maya he loves her and trying to find any kind of way to not hurt Riley in doing so. He looks at his phone to check if Riley had texted him, but really he was hoping Maya had texted him. He looks at the time and sees that it's 1:05. Since he can't sleep he turns his lamp and starts pacing back and forth. Then he hears a knock on his bedroom door and it opens.
"Hey Lucas. Are you okay?" His sister Jenna asks popping her head in the room.
"No I'm fine." He says in a dismissive tone. Jenna opens the door more so that she has plenty of room to walk in.
"Come on you're my little brother, I know when something is bothering you." She says in a caring tone.
"Do you really want to know?" He asks her
"Of course." Jenna replies.
"...Then come in here." He say pulling Jenna in his room and closing the door. She sits on his bed.
"It's about Riley." Lucas says sitting next to her.
"Your girlfriend? Oh I like her she's really sweet and ki-"
"I'm in love with her best friend!" Lucas exclaimed not being able to hold it in anymore.
"Oh...Wow...Just...Um...Wow." Jenna says a little shocked. "You like Maya?
"No, I'm in love with her." He says looking down at the bandages on his hands
"Lucas I know what it's like to be your age and like someone but mistake it as love." She says.
"Jen, I may only be a 17 but I know that I love her. He says.
"How? Jenna asked
"Because when I'm this far from all my friends I miss her the most, I love the way she laughs, her smile, the way she says my name, the nicknames she calls me, how great a friend she is to everyone. I love all of it." Lucas said while his eyes lit up like the Forth of July, then looking down at his hands. His sister saw this and knew that he really was head over heels for her.
"Wow. I've never heard you talk that way about Riley. You really do love Maya, don't you?" She said.
"Yeah." Lucas said still looking at his hands. Not having really paid attention to her brother earlier looks at his hands and is surprised.
"Lucas! What did you do to your hands?!" Jenna asked a little surprised and worried.
"Riley told me that Maya went on a date with another guy." Lucas replies, still not looking up.
"Who was there when- hey..." she said grabbing his face and pointing it towards hers. "Look at me. Who was there for you when you fell off Judy?"
"Who was there for you when you broke the fence?"
"Who was there for you when you got kicked out of school for fighting?
"Who was there for you on you fist day of school in New York?"
"And who listened to you talk endlessly about both Riley and Maya?"
"You see Lucas I was always there for you. Just like how you're always there for me. Just because I'm 19 and I'm in college now doesn't mean I won't still be there for you." She said. Lucas gave her a big hug. Then let go.
"I don't know how to tell Maya how I feel without hurting Riley." He said finally confiding in his sister about his problem.
"Yeah neither would I." She says, making Lucas laugh a little.
"Thanks for the help." He says jokingly, still laughing.
"Well this is all your fault in the first place." Jenna replies. Lucas pretends to be offended.
"Plus I told you to pick her to begin with." She adds jokingly.
"No you didn't." Lucas says laughing.
"Yes I did!" Jenna says also laughing.
"No you didn't." He replies still laughing.
"You're right, I didn't. But I thought it." She says.
"Did you really?" He asks her, serious.
"Yeah." She replies. Lucas looks down at his hands again with a sad look on his face. Then Jenna gets an idea.
"Hey. Remember those pillow fights we used to have?" She asked him.
"Yeah wh-" he was cut off by a pillow hitting his face. He sits back up and looks at Jenna. "Oh you're going down." He said with an evil smile while grabbing his pillow. They had one of their crazy pillow fights like they used to have when they were younger, but were cut short when their mom told them to stop and go to bed.

Hope you enjoyed. Please keep voting and reading. I'm almost at 1,000 reads so keep reading my story, just bear with me during the long gaps between updates.

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