Lucas' cab ride

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*It's 10:45 pm Christmas Eve*

Lucas walks out of the airport and waves his arm at a taxi driver. The driver stops. Lucas gets in the taxi and tells the driver Maya's address. Lucas sits back still racking his brain about what to say when he gets there. The taxi driver notices that Lucas is a little distracted and nervous.
"Are you ok kid?" The driver asks.
"Y...yeah." Lucas replies hesitantly.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"No." Lucas replied.
"Then what's wrong?" The driver asks
"Well there were these two girls that I liked," Lucas replied, "and they both liked me, but they're best friends so we had kind of a triangle thing because I didn't want to hurt either one of them because I care about them both."
"Wow. And so you have to make a decision?" He asked.
"Well see I already decided..."
"Ok, then what's the problem?"
"I think I picked the wrong one."
"Yikes." The driver replied.
"I know." Lucas said hanging his head.
"If you don't mind me asking," the driver said, "what made you think you made the wrong choice?"
Lucas told him about the present Maya gave him and the significance behind it, and all about what happened in Texas with him and Maya and how he almost kissed her but didn't, even though he really wanted to.
"Wow! It sounds like you really love this girl." The driver said.
"I do." Lucas replied.
"Then why'd you pick the other one... what was her name?"
"Yeah Riley. Why'd you choose her if you love this Maya girl?" He asked confused
"Well me and Riley had a thing but we were too uncomfortable at the time." Lucas replied, "Then I found out Maya had feelings for me," Lucas continued, "but before we could really peruse it Farkle our friend told us that Riley still had feelings for me, so we were a triangle. Then we went a class trip to a ski lodge and Maya told me to go to Riley."
"Dang kid your life is crazy." The driver said
"I know." Lucas as throwing his head back
"So you're going to see Maya?" He asked
"Yeah, but I can't figure out what to say." Lucas replied.
"I know it's cliché but just speak from the heart" the driver said.
"Ha, that's easier said than done." Lucas said almost smiling.
"I know a lot of people say it but few people try to actually do it."
"Yeah but my problem is that my heart wants to say everything." Lucas says looking down.
"Well that's one thing I can't help you with." The driver said.
"Mm." Lucas muttered.
"Wait you're going to go tell this girl you love her after she told you to be with someone else?" The driver asks in an almost astonished tone.
"Yeah." Lucas replies, "Weather she feels the same way or not I have to tell her how I feel."
"Wow kid, you really love her don't you?" The driver asked sincerely and a little surprised.
"Yeah." Lucas says with a sad look on his face.

*30 minutes later*

"Here we are." The cab driver said.
"I'm really nervous," Lucas says, "maybe I shouldn't do this. I mean what she..."
"Hey," the cab driver interrupts, "didn't you tell me that weather she feels the same way or not you have to tell her how you feel?"
"Yeah." Lucas replies.
"I know that I've never met her but from what you told me I think she has feelings for you too." He said.
"Thanks." Lucas says genuinely thankful for what the driver said.
The driver turns around to face Lucas and looks him right in the eyes.
"Hey don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. And you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Now I know both of those are metaphors but I truly believe in them. Now go up there and tell her how you feel. I'll wait and if she doesn't feel the same I'll take you back to the airport, but if she does I'll go on with my night." The driver says.
"Ok." Lucas says.
Lucas looks out the window at the apartment building then back at the driver.
"Wish me luck." Lucas says smiling.
"Good luck." The driver responds.
Lucas steps out of the cab, but as he's about to shut the door he says to the driver "What's your name?"
"Sam." He replies.
"Thank you Sam." Lucas says shutting the car door. He looks up at the building one more time and runs to the door as someone is leaving.

Thanks for reading I know that this was long but there was just so much I wanted to put in here. I actually wrote this chapter back in like October or November when I only a few chapters. The inspiration had just hit me that day and I didn't want to forget the idea I had. Please vote and please keep reading, the really good stuff has yet to come😏.
But again thank you.


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