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Guys I'm not exaggerating when I say that I'm crying as I write this. I never thought that 30 people would read my story let alone 5,000. I am so incredibly thankful for this.

5 thousand reads in 1 year.

I'm...I...I have no words. I love you guys so much, all the pulling my hair out and long hours spent writing these chapters was so worth this.

I don't want to get all emotional again like I did in the "1 YEAR!" post because I already told you guys all that you mean to me in that.

Now I know you guys want the rest of the story, cause I kinda left you on a cliffhanger. But I've got the next like 3 or 4 chapters in my drafts, a little tweaking and they'll be ready. All I ask is that you be patient. Ever since school started I've had an insane amount of homework.

Hey I just figured out a way to kind of thank you (I guess). I'm gonna tell you more about me so that everyone who reads this chapter gets exclusive info on the author😏😂

My name is Lora, Elizabeth is my middle name, I don't particularly like my first and last names together so on all of my social medias I'm Lora Elizabeth.
I'm a 16 (17 in December) year old Junior in high school.
My birthday is December 12.
If you didn't know by this and one of my other works, I'm a fangirl through and through.
I'm an honors student so trust me when I say I have a lot to do.
I'm also a theater kid, which just means I've been in theater (the class) for at least 2 years (this is my 3rd year). It's my safe haven at school.
I love writing, if that isn't obvious already. You wouldn't believe the amount of drafted stories I have on here.
I love animals and the color blue.
I was born, raised, and live in North Carolina.

And that's all I can really think of. But I promise the next chapters are coming soon, and they're really good😏


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