Riley's Letter

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After Riley returns home, she goes straight to her room. She sits in her bay window looking out at it. Her eyes wonder looking at all the different things going on in the street below. Her gaze moves down and she notices her window is shut on top of some paper folded in half. She opens her window enough to grab it and closes her window. On the top piece it says "To: Riley, From: Lucas". "I thought Lucas was in Texas" she says to herself. She sets the paper aside and starts to read the letter.

Dear, Riley
I know you're probably confused because I'm supposed to be in Texas, but I came back just for a few hours because I had to do something. This isn't easy to say and I know I shouldn't say it in a letter but I thought it was better than over the phone or a text. I just knew if I did this in person you'd probably start rambling and then we'd get off topic. This is hard to even write. I just want you to know that I still care about you deeply but not the way we both thought I did. I really thought that did but I realized that I didn't. I'm not saying that I just changed my mind about you or that I was purposefully leading you on. I was unintentionally leading both of us on. If I had just been completely honest with myself we could've avoided all of this. So if you're going to blame someone blame me because none of this is your fault at all. I hope we can still be friends, I know not right away, but someday. And when I get back you can yell at and/or kill me. I just needed to tell you because I didn't want us continue and you get hurt even more.

Riley sits there utterly confused as to why he's saying this just out of the blue without any warning. Tears start rolling down her cheeks. She tries calling Maya but she doesn't answer, not that Riley expected her to. Then she calls Farkle.
"Hey." Farkle answers cheerfully.
"Hey." Riley says, her voice full of sadness.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"I need you." Riley says crying.
"I'm on my way." He says hanging up.

So these 3 chapters were short, sorry, but I felt bad for not posting in a long time so here ya go. And keep reading cause it's getting to the good part😏😏😏

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