Maya's Feelings

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*It's 8 days before Christmas Eve and Maya is sitting in her room on her bed kind of moping, when Maya hears at knock on her bedroom door*

"Come in." Maya says

When the door opens she sees Shawn standing there.

"Shawn." Maya says surprised, as she gets up to hug him

"Hey what's up?" Shawn says hugging Maya

"Nothing much, just thinking."

"Thinking about what?" Shawn asked curious

"Nothing." Maya says looking at the ground

"Come on, you can tell me anything and I'll never judge you."

"Ok." Maya said sitting on the floor next to her bed and Shawn following

"So what is it?"

"When we were at the ski lodge I told Lucas to go be with Riley..."

"Ok. And?"

"And I did that because I thought I didn't like him that way any more."

"'thought', so you do still like him"

"I think so, but..."

"But what?"

"But I can't tell him how I feel now"


"Because he already chose Riley, he's with Riley. I can't just come out and say 'Oh hey I know that I told you that I didn't like you anymore and you're dating my best friend and all but I think I still have feelings for you'"

"Well you got a point there"

"What should I do?"

"For now try and see if you can move on, if you can't then call me and we'll talk about what to do. Ok?"


"What about Caleb?"


"That nice guy you met a while back. Why don't you try going out with him and see if that helps?"

"Ok, I'll give it a try."

"Good" Shawn said kissing Maya on the head and standing up "I gotta go but I'll check in on you and see how it's going, Ok?

"Ok." she said

Shawn left and Maya got on her phone and texted Caleb.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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