Maya's Fight

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*It's 6 days till Christmas Eve and Maya wakes up with Farkle laying on the floor next to her bed.*

"Farkle, wake up." Maya says in a very tired tone.
"Huh," Farkle says opening his eyes, "what time is it?"
Maya looks at her phone "8:45"
"Well I guess I better go home. Unless you still need me." Farkle says standing up and stretching.
"No, I'm fine now but thanks for coming over in the middle of the night to comfort me." Maya says with a weak smile.
"No problem you're one of my best friends, I'll always be there for you." Farkle says.
"And I will always be there for you." Maya says.
"Thanks." Farkle says.
"You're welcome."
"Ok I'm going now, my driver is here."
"Ok. Bye." Maya says sitting on her bed while Farkle lets himself out. Maya hears the front door shut and The lays down and goes back to sleep.


she looks at her phone, 3 missed video chats and 10 texts from Riley. The texts are mostly just Riley asking for more details about the date and about Caleb, others are asking Maya why she won't answer her, but the last one makes Maya so mad she does something without thinking.
"Hey." Riley says cheerfully answering the video chat.
"You told Lucas I went on a date!?" Maya says angrily, ignoring Riley's cheerfulness.
"Y... yeah." Riley says confused.
"Why would you do that?!" Maya yells.
"Because now that we're together I don't want there to be any secrets between me and Lucas." Riley says.
"And so my love life is now his business just because you two are 'together'?" Maya says putting air quotes around 'together'.
"Yes." Riley states matter of factly, "now that me and Lucas are together-"
"You guys are not together!" Maya interrupts.
"Uh, yes we are Maya." Riley says.
"No you're not! Oh my gosh you two never, I mean NEVER, act like a couple, you guys aren't any different than you were before the ski lodge! Stop acting like you and Lucas are the 'it' couple at school when you two don't, no can't, even HOLD HANDS!" Maya yells at Riley in anger and frustration.
"Maya why are you acting like this, why are you talking to me, your best friend, like this?" Riley asked kind of concerned and kind of upset over what Maya said.
"Because I'm sick and tired of you acting like you and Lucas are the hottest couple ever, and I'm tired of you acting like you won him!" Maya responds.
"What do you mean?" Riley asks confused, "I did win him, Lucas chose me."
"No he didn't! I told him I didn't like him. I told him to go to you. He chose you because I told him to!" Maya says, sick of Riley.
"What? No... No! He chose me!" Riley says.
"No he didn't! I told him to chose you had I not he might have chosen me!" Maya says trying not to say too much about her feelings for Lucas.
"He still would have chosen me, I know he would!" Riley states.
"Ha! You really think that? He might have said he liked talking to you, but he likes being around me, he may be good but he chose Mayaville. You kissed him, but he almost kissed me and I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to kiss me, badly. You and Lucas are like two 7 year olds in a relationship, it's awkward to look at." Maya says.
"Maya what has gotten in to you?" Riley asks very concerned and hurt.
"You telling Lucas about something that was supposed to be just between you and me. If I wanted Lucas to know I would've told him." Maya says still mad.
"Ok, I'm sorry. I won't do it again." Riley says.
"You're not sorry. And I know that you will do it again. So I'm just going to need some space." Maya says
"But Maya-"
"No I... I just need some space to calm down. Bye."
"But... bye."
After Maya hangs up she is still fuming over Riley and how childish she is. Usually Maya loves that about her but sometimes it's too much for a sane person to take. After a few minutes go by of Maya stomping around her apartment mad at Riley she calms down and regrets all the mean things she said to Riley.

A Christmas Love Story - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now